Collapsed | Teen Ink


April 24, 2019
By elizabethschriner22 BRONZE, Lincoln, Nebraska
elizabethschriner22 BRONZE, Lincoln, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Zeeana and Jal were hiding from the Taliban soldiers. Their neighborhood was under fire. Both their parents had died in a previous attack. They were inside and heard a bunch of commotion outside and then it went quiet. A bomb had been dropped and crumbled the house which they were in. Luckily they survived the initial hit. They were trapped in a small area in the corner of the house, and dust filled their lungs.

“We’re going to die.” Zeeana said, bluntly. She knew the Taliban had no mercy. No one was going to help them out.

“No.” Jal’s voice was shaky. It was hard for him to lie to her. He could feel the wall shifting behind him.

“I hurt.” Zeeana cried. She was cut up from shrapnel. Jal knew he had to tell Zeeana what he had always meant to say.



“I love you.” Zeeana’s eyes flashed up to Jal’s and their eye connection said everything for them that ever needed to be said. The wall collapsed.

The author's comments:

I'm really interested in history/war. I love learning and writing about WWII, Vietnam war, and I just started with the Afghanistan war. Like the author and Vietnam vet, Tim O'Brien suggests, it's not a war story, it's a love story. That's what I was trying to go for with this story.

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