I'll Take You To Neverland | Teen Ink

I'll Take You To Neverland

April 24, 2019
By emily7842 BRONZE, Prospect Hts, Illinois
emily7842 BRONZE, Prospect Hts, Illinois
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth."

"Take my hand and I'll take you to Neverland," he teased.

"I love Peter Pan," I told him. It had been my favorite story since I was little. I couldn’t remember a day when I wasn’t in love with the story.

"I know you do, now come with me to Neverland," he told me.

"Neverland isn't real," I told him. Such a place only existed in books, or movies. Places where the writer’s imagination takes a reader.

"But it could be...come on. Take my hand and I'll take you on the adventure of your life," he told me. His eyes were wide, full of hope.

"Caden, you know I can't leave. I'm surprised my parents haven't discovered you're here yet. They hate every bone in you. They wouldn’t be all too happy if they found out that you were here," I tried explaining to him.

"Your parents aren't home," Caden told me.

"How did you know?" I asked him.

"I have my ways," he stated, which meant that he had watched them leave the house before he came to my window.

"How did I end up meeting a friend like you?" I asked him. I wanted to distract him from the problem on hand. A smile snuck onto his face, his eyes sparkling.

"A friend? Like me? I wouldn't dream you would ever meet anyone even close to me ever again," he said, “I’m a delight.”

"Thank goodness that there’s only one of you," I said.

"Come with me. Come." His eyes grew wider, as if he couldn’t want anything else more. He was still waiting outside the window. I was in my nightgown. A plain blue one, why I wore it tonight? I guess I had a feeling. I turned away from Caden. "Come away, Lily. Come away from them all. Leave, leave with me, and we'll make our own Neverland," Caden told me.

"And never come back?" I asked him, turning my head back to him.

"Never," he said strongly.

"Never, is a long time," I told him.

"It always will be. Will you come?" he asked. He took my hand. I looked into his perfect green eyes, and I wondered, how in the world could I say no to those eyes. You can't argue with them.

I heard the front door open. My parents were home. I still hadn't answered Caden.

"Never?" I asked again.

"Never,” he told me. I took his hand. My parents were walking up the staircase, and down my hallway. They would be here any second now.

I smiled and he smiled back, one of those wide and silly smiles, that made you think what in the world he was planning to do next.

"Never," I repeated, this time not as a question but as a statement. Together, at once we jumped out of my window, and my parents barged in the room. But I was already gone, away to my own Neverland.

The author's comments:

A silly little short story about two kids that want to turn their life into an adventure. 

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