Cigarette Sparks | Teen Ink

Cigarette Sparks

May 29, 2019
By maddywilliamsav BRONZE, Cement City, Michigan
maddywilliamsav BRONZE, Cement City, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's a cow, Luke!" - Ashton Irwin, 5SOS
"It's okay to not be okay." - Michael Clifford, 5SOS
"After everything we've been through... everything that I've done... it can't be for nothing." - Ellie, The Last of us

The night sky is dark and empty, the wind, cold and harsh. Yet, I stand here… waiting for some sort of sign. Some sign to tell me you still care. You still love me like you say you do. I’m looking for a sign to open my eyes because in so scared, all I can do is squeeze them shut and block out the pain. All I need is one sign that tells me you’re still here. I can’t keep blocking out the world because either way, it’s going to kill me without you. I need to breathe, but my lungs keep collapsing, knowing that there is no reason to be alive when you’re not beside me. So here I’ll stand, pretending the ashes from these cigarettes are shooting stars. Making impossible wishes on them as they fall to the ground and burn out like the spark you once had for me. The spark that will forever remain in me for you.

The author's comments:

It hurts to love someone who could never love you.

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