The Hospital Fright | Teen Ink

The Hospital Fright

January 29, 2021
By Anonymous

   I was 7 years old when I was in the car going to my hospital for my yearly checkup. I started shaking because I was nervous, I hadn't been doing my medicine safely. I got out of the car and we were parked at the P2 parking level of children's hospital. It wasn't bad at first. 

     I went to get blood work. It felt like I was in there for hours to get my blood work tested. I finally got called in and had to wait for a little bit for them to prep all of the tubes. I was a little bit nervous because I hadn't gotten a shot in 1 year. I finally finished . Then I walked through the hall from Section A to Section B. I was getting scared, and it felt like the walls were all one closing in on me. I finally got to the Radiology room and it smelt like Cinnamon. I Waited there for at least an hour. I got called on and I hated it because I had to do it twice because the pictures were not clear.This didn't help me calm down because of the gel. I got out of radiology and went back to the other end of the hospital. I got distracted by the flashing red lights outside. I lost focus on what was around me. I stopped to think about if that happened to me. After thinking this I got more nervous and kept walking. Then I got to the Urology room for my checkup, I was scared again. They called me in and I got my weight and height checked. I went into the checkup room and waited for a long time. When I heard a knock on the door I got up and almost 2 hours had passed. I was feeling better after this time, but then I heard a knock and my doctor finally came through the door.

     My doctor did my checkup and said everything was looking good. Then he said he wanted to talk to me about chronic kidney disease. He said when I get older if I don't keep my kidneys healthy then I will either have to get surgery or go to the hospital every week for dialysis. I thought to myself and asked what dialysis was and he said, “Dialysis is a machine that flushes out your bodily waste. This is due to your kidneys being in bad condition.” After he said this, I was pretty scared about this and wanted to make sure I didn't have to get it. My doctor finished the exam and I had been waiting and worrying in the checkout room for ten minutes. I finally left. I was super shaky from learning what dialysis was. 

    We got to the elevator and went down to level 2 of the parking garage and that elevator ride took forever and my heart was thumping. The doors opened and I ran to the car. I told my mom how I was feeling about dialysis and she said “As long as you are safe with your medical supplies you are going to be ok.” After she said that I calmed down a bit and we drove home.

    On the car ride home, I thought to myself how can I do better so I don't have to ever get dialysis in my life. I kept on thinking and realized I just need to take my time when I'm doing any medical things or important things in general.

    Then for the next couple months after I got home I was super safe with all my medicine. I kept this going because I realized that there was a real threat if I didn't do my medicine. Throughout this whole doctor visit I learned that taking your time is always better because it ensures the correct finish or use. I will never forget this doctor visit because it gave me the perseverance to do my medicine well, which will help me later in life because I won't have to worry about kidney issues.

The author's comments:

It greatly affected my life

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