A Boy Meets A Girl | Teen Ink

A Boy Meets A Girl

October 28, 2021
By Anonymous

You might have already heard about this boy from a small town. He flew across the country from California to Florida for a vacation with his friends and family. Looking to have fun and try to find love during summer. 

The boy came into the City and most of everyone at the airport was just staring at him. like they were staring and thinking where he came from because everyone knows everybody in Florida.  But not him. “He was walking to his taxi with friends and family. The people were whispering about the boy.” Hunter’s friends’ names are (Josh, Nathen) Stepsister’s names (Angle). Nathen is the Best Friend who has been Hunter’s friend for a very long time since childhood. Josh came into his life not until 6th grade, he’s just a friend that likes to play video games, hang out, go out and do fun things together on the weekend, play football with Hunter and Nathen, or even travel with him and his family most of the time. 

The teenagers are just about 14-16 years old. Christie is acting Nice, innocent, kind, loves helping others, is popular in school and around the City, she’s also 15 years old but can’t drive quite yet not until her birthday. The main character is Hunter and Christie but the sister and his buddies are there to support him along the way and to have fun. Hunter is kind, he’s funny, happy all the time likes to go on vacations with family and friends 

This girl Christie “she's one of the popular kids in town. She was just casually walking and she accidentally bumped into the boy. When they’re both in Florida


       Hunter goes and finds himself a lover on vacation. He wants to try and find a career in the future or even find the one true love girl for him at the same time maybe. But when he tried for the first time it never worked out between him and this girl from Orlando because he couldn't have a long-term relationship because of his strict parents 

Seven years later went by quickly. It just didn’t work for him and this girl named Alicia. So Hunter goes on with his day and tries very hard to find his soulmate but he just can’t and a few friends of his have been trying to help to find him one but the world is too big and too many people trying to find him the right one.

“Four years later everyone got older and graduated.”  Christie was on her phone talking to her family and she freaked out when she made it into College. She’s always wanted to go to ever since she was about 11 years young, move out of state, and moved to California when it was the summer of 2026 is when she decided to move out of her home. 

“Hey Hunter, how have you been?” said Christie

“Heyyy Christie, I’ve been doing okay I guess,” said Hunter 

“ What about you?” said Hunter

“ Oh these days I’ve been doing good just excited to move out of my parent’s house finally,” said Christie

“Um I have to tell you something,” said Christie

“I’m moving out of state to be closer to my college,” (sigh) said Christie

“Oh, that’s cool I’m happy for you!” said Hunter

“I have to tell you something Christie, but never mind,” says Hunter

“ Hey no tell me, whatever it is I’ll listen,” said Christie

you know I’m very good at listening to you or even anyone though” said Christie

A few hours later, Hunter and Christie are still talking with each other about life and everything that’s going on with each other.

Josh was walking to his own home when he got a notification from Nathen and Angle Hunter’s step-sister.

“Hey Nat and Josh,” said Angle

“Hey What’s up,” said Josh 

“Hello,” said Nathen

“Have you guys seen Hunter lately at all today?” said Angle

“ Uhm I think so but the last time I have seen him was on the last day of school before summer break,” said Nathen

“Honestly same dude,” said, Josh

“ Wait what day are we leaving to go to Florida with you guys?” said Nathen

“ We were planning on leaving on June 22 and staying for a few days,” said Angle

“ Okayyyy gotcha, thanks,” said Nathen and Josh

“Yup no problem,” said Angle

A few weeks later till the day, they left for vacation to go to Florida. Everyone woke up at 6:30 am, made sure everything is most of their things are packed on what they wanted to bring along with them. They went to their cars and drove to the airport it only took them an hour an half to get there. Everyone met up in the airport when they got done parking, they saw and met up they all started walking in the airport.

“Hey you guys made it” Josh

“Well no duh man,” said Hunter

“Okay guys lets go to the place where we get our plane tickets,” said the Parents

“Walking still to the front to get the tickets for Josh, Angle, Hunter, Nathen, and Hunter’s mom and dad.” 

Everyone finally paid and got their plane tickets and dropped off their luggage for people to put in the plane to go to Florida for summer vacation. Again they are walking and looking at the ticket to see what gate they should be walking to.

“ Okay wait hold up,” said Nathen 

 “What is it now Nat,” said Angle

“Well I um found the number of the gate where we have to go!” said Nathen

“Of course you did, me too dude,” said Hunter

Four hours later They went onto the plane and finally made it to Florida, most of the time Angle was on her phone playing games and most of the others were sleeping and being too excited to get to Florida. The airport people were talking to the speaker about how far they are in the air until they land. 

“Hey Josh, how many more hours do we have left to get to our destination?” said Hunter

“ I think we got about I would say two more hours left,” said Nathen

“ Ya I think so too but they did say on the announcement not long ago though haha,” said, Parents

Two hours went by and they all stretched when they have gotten up and slowly everyone on the plane started walking out of the plane.

“Oh my gosh! We finally made it,” said Angle

“Haha, I know right!” said Hunter 

“Hey guys let’s go get our luggage right now,” said Parents/dad

“Okay, then can we go get something to eat?” said the boys

“Ya of course we can haha,” said, Parents/mom

Hunter started walking to the luggage area with the others but he saw his ex-girlfriend walking with her family in the airport ready to go to Los Vegas for their next Vacation. They made eye contact only about they both looked away quickly. Hunter’s ex-girlfriend’s name is Alicia she’s from a different country at the moment. Hunter just kept walking like he doesn’t care anymore, he walks towards Josh and Nathen and said

“Yoo guys guess who I just saw walking just a minute or 2 ago,” said Hunter

“Mmm not sure man sorry haha,” said Josh

“I saw you know my ex,” said Hunter

Damn bro I’m sorry” Nathen

They made it to the luggage claim area and now they are gonna head out to their taxi and head to the beach first. 

Day 1 of at the beach

They walked on the beach and put their feet in the water to cool off from the hot weather, Hunter sees this girl walking by herself at the beach and he decided to check her out. Night came by pretty fast and now it’s 

Day two walking around town

All the teenagers were walking in the Florida town and Hunter saw the girl he saw from the beach the other day, he kept walking with the others and went back to the beach to go sun tan and go swimming, they did a lot of fun activities all in a day.

Day 3 Walking in a new part of town 

Josh and the boys went out to get breakfast without the sister and parents, they went into this new area they have never gone to so far in Florida. Nathen was walking in the restaurant and Hunter was walking in after they saw each other again and at the same time he saw his ex when he thought she was going to Las Vegas. They made eye contact. Hunter walked up to this pretty girl he saw and said, 

“Hey I’m on vacation and I was wondering if you wanna show me around maybe,” said Hunter

“Hey ya sure I would love to when you wanna go out and let me show you around?” said Christie

Well maybe later or tomorrow because my friends and family were doing a lot of stuff today but if you want we could do it tomorrow?” said Hunter

“Before I forget, what's your name by the way?” said Christie

“My name is Hunter,” said Hunter

“Cute name said, Christie

They kept on talking and they both got each other's phone numbers Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok of course. 

Day 4 

Next day and its beach vibe for today. 

The girl Christie texted Hunter to meet her up at the beach to hang out there for a bit before they start walking around and get something to eat for lunch. 3 hours later, they have been together for a bit and they talk about each other. Christie and Hunter have been asking each other random things about each other to get to know each other better.


Hunter and Christie have been hanging out for a few days now until he had to leave to go back home

Day 14 flying back home

Everyone said good things about the trip back home but Hunter. He said his goodbyes to Christie and he barely talked when he got back home. It has been a few months and yes they have been talking with each other and for a record, they are secretly talking about each other to their other friends that they think each other is cute, funny, kind, innocent, and all the good stuff.

The author's comments:

The boy came from a different state of his and Hunter flew across the country from California for a vacation with his friends and family. Looking to have fun and try to find love during summer. Christie is a lovely kind independent woman who is Nice, innocent, kind, loves helping others, is popular in school and around the City, she’s also 15 years old but can’t drive quite yet not until her birthday.

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