The False Hope | Teen Ink

The False Hope

January 19, 2022
By 3groth BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
3groth BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I looked up…only to see the blazing sun. Eyes blinded by the light, I looked back at the ground, at my shadow. My shadow. It was the only place where the sun didn’t hit, the only place that didn’t burn my eyes. Head down, keep walking. My feet ached, but I couldn’t stop. Head down, keep walking.

A gust of wind came; hoping for a refreshing breeze, I raised my head, only to be met by a burst of steaming sand. My dry throat screamed with pain every time I breathed, but there was no water to be seen. Head down, keep walking. 

The desert must end. There has to be a road. Clouds will come and bring rain.

False hopes swam through my mind as my feet trudged on, carrying me over the dunes and towards what I hoped would be civilization. 

Yet another false hope.

I carried on. Minutes felt like hours. Hours felt like days. Illusions would appear in the distance only to vanish at my feet. Sometimes people, sometimes water, but always fake. Then, in the distance, I saw something different. A black line stretched across the horizon, shimmering dots moving from side to side. Excited, I quickened my pace. My feet ached, but it no longer mattered. 

Exhausted, I reach the road only to see empty pavement. Knowing a car would come, I sat down to wait. Waiting to be rescued before it was too late.

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