That girl is my friend... | Teen Ink

That girl is my friend...

March 11, 2022
By frap BRONZE, Dhaka, Other
frap BRONZE, Dhaka, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sarah was late for her school. She had an important test today but of course, she had to wake up late. She quite literally had to run through the hallways to get to her class. Upon entering the classroom, the teacher didn’t say anything to her, he just gave her an exasperated look since well it wasn’t something new. Her coming late was quite the norm among the students. If one day she came early for her class would what surprise both the teachers and her classmates. 

Anyways she sat at her usual spot which was near the window. She couldn’t have been more glad when the teacher announced their sitting arrangement and she got to sit near the window. And of course, she preferred this seat since her best friend Evelyn sat right in front of her. Sarah would have felt lonely without having her near her seat.

Sarah...was at most an awkward person and she couldn’t have been more glad when Evelyn approached her first. It was friendship at first sight. Evelyn was an interesting person to Sarah. She loved hearing her opinions about certain things.

If you asked Sarah to describe Evelyn, she would probably use the word “open-minded” a lot while describing her. Evelyn is open-minded and honest and Sarah can’t help but be amused by her responses and opinions. Do you know those types of people whom you can tell anything and everything too? Because you know that they won’t ever judge or laugh at you and your words. Evelyn was like that to Sarah. It has been more than 3 years since they met, yet every day has been fun for Sarah. 

It’s quite funny if Sarah thinks about it, when she was first transferred into this school, the first person to catch her eyes was Evelyn. Sarah never thought of approaching her, since Evelyn had a reputation to be quite unapproachable at first sight. if you asked Sarah what she thought of her at that time, she would have said something along those lines.

 It’s still quite a mystery on Sarah’s side why Evelyn even approached her at first. She could’ve chosen someone who was far way better than her. Yet one day she just came to Sarah and asked if she wanted to go to a nearby café with her. Sarah was at the very least perplexed. She couldn’t formulate her answer for a solid few minutes. Yet when she eventually looked back up, Evelyn was still there waiting for her response. Sarah of course couldn’t just say no to her. Sarah didn’t even know what to call this situation but one thing’s for sure, this incident made Sarah oh so more curious about this person named Evelyn. Their friendship is still going strong for over 3 years. Sarah still sometimes finds it hard to grasp the fact that she was quite literally the luckiest person ever to find someone like Evelyn in her life. Sarah couldn’t have been more glad to spend her years in the company of her dear friend, Evelyn.

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