The Project blackout | Teen Ink

The Project blackout

September 12, 2022
By Anonymous

“Oh, you made breakfast this morning? That's unexpected.” I said.

“ Yes, and for some reason the power has been weird.” Ariel said.

“What do you mean?” I said.

“What I mean is like when I tried turning on the stove it looked like it wasnt working and   the lights were flickering.” Ariel said.

“Oh, have you checked the generator?” I said.

“No, I have been asleep all day.”Ariel said.

“Hmmmm.” I said.

“ Yes Karim, I have checked. Jeez, I was being sarcastic, you are so slow.” Ariel said.

“Bruh shut up.” I said.

“When you woke up, were Leo, Leche, and Whiskers awake?” Ariel said.

“Yes, well leo and leche were fighting as always.” I said.

“Us moving in with three cats was an amazing idea.” Ariel said.

“Yes I agree.” I said.

“Also we kinda need to go grocery shopping for a lot of things.''Ariel said.

“Oh snap you are right, I'll go start up the car.” I said.

“But I haven't even gotten ready.” Ariel said.

“Ugh hurry up, I'll go wait in the car.” I said.

“I look bummy.” Ariel said.

“No you don't, you look fine. Do you want me to stop anywhere before we go to the store to get the groceries?” I said.

“No, let's just go to target.”Ariel said.

“I I captain.” I said.

“I know we just got here but can we please get shipleys?” Ariel said.

“Okay okay(sigh) what do you want to get?”I said.

“ A colachie, two donuts, and a croissant.” Ariel said.

“Welp there goes our grocery money.” I said.

“ You are so sarcastic.” Ariel said.

“Okay you got your food now can we go grocery shopping?” I said.

“Yes, I was just very hungry.” Ariel said.

“Hmm looks like the lights are flickering here too.” I said.

“ Yeah, that's odd.” Ariel said.

“What did we need again?” I said.

“Food, washing supplies, cleaning supplies, towels, I don't know we need everything we just moved in.” Ariel said.

“ Dang, there is barely anything, let's get double just in case.” I said.

“Oh yeah, smart.” Ariel said.

“Okay let's go home now.” I said.

“Did you notice all the stop lights are off and the store lights too?” Ariel said.

“Turn up the radio!” Ariel said.

“Ok ok.” I said.

“We have cut all the power to the united states, due to this there will be no stores open, cut to the food and supplies shipments, and no laws, this is a project no questions asked the project black out has started.” The announcer from the radio said.

“You think it's real.” I said.

“Hopefully not” Ariel said.

“Don't worry, its a good idea that we stocked up double.” I said.

“Can we just stay home for a while?” Ariel said.

“Yes.” I said.

“How long do you want to wait to go back out?”I said

“Just till it's safe or we need to restock.” Aerial said.

“Let's just get home to the cats.” I said.

“I know we just got food but I'm hungry.” Ariel said.

“Ugh, well we have to wait and see if anything is even open.” I said.

Bang, bang, bang

“Nevermind drive home!” Ariel said.

“Okayyy!” I said.

“What do you think that was about?” Ariel said.

“I don't know, maybe about food or supplies.” I said.

“Hurry up, let's get everything inside the house.” Ariel said.

“I know, I know.” I said.

“Karim, what's that noise?” Ariel said.

“ I don't know, look out the window.” I said.

“There's people saying they are going to invade the white house and to follow if they want to help.” Ariel said.

“ Nope we are staying in i don't want to risk anything.” I said.

“ Yes I know it's the safest thing to do.” Ariel said.

“This will all just blow by.” I said.

Thump thump thump thump

“ Who is it?” Ariel said.

“Hello.” Ariel said.

Open the door

“Who is it?” Ariel said.

(guy shoots door knob and tries to get in.)

“Ariel run to the room and get the gun!” I said.

“Okay!” Ariel said.


“Help me barricade the door.” I said.

“Is he alive?” Ariel said.

“ I'm not sure.” I said 

“ Ariel just get some rest. I'll stay up to make sure we are okay.” I said.

“Are you sure?” Ariel said.

“Yes I am sure.”

(yelling goes on for the night)

“ A emergency broadcast system, Attention all survivors congratulations, you have survived project black out, we will come around picking up the bodies and awarding survivors with 500 dollars.”

“I guess its over.” I said

“Finally I can sleep, Ariel, please close the blinds to block the light,”I said.

“Yes, I will go back to bed too.” Ariel said.

The author's comments:

I am a junior in high school. I am 16 and i go to Pasadena memorial high school.

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