Time for a change | Teen Ink

Time for a change

April 18, 2023
By Anonymous

It's the start of senior year in high school, and I'm excited. I can wait to graduate and move out and start my life. As school went on, my life slowly turned into a disaster. I just realized how stressful it would be to apply to colleges and scholarships and choose a career path. I have all A's, I am a CNA, and I am in competitive dance; juggling everything got difficult. At first, my boyfriend was a great support system until he wasn't. 

Bryan and I have been together for three years, and it's just like a rollercoaster ride, but I love rollercoasters. We couldn't wait for after I graduated and moved in together; we were so in love, but something changed. We started to hang out with our friends and spend more time apart. When Bryan wasn't with me, he would get upset and text me wanting to break up, and he had little to no trust in me. He ruined every fun event in my life; Prom, car racing, 4th of July, and festivals, and he made me feel powerless. Bryan became hurtful, hanging out with other girls, blaming me a lot, closed off, and I didn't understand why. With everything on my plate, I couldn't handle him anymore; it was too much. I did what I could to save myself and him, and we broke up. 

I had no idea the backlash I would get from my friends after leaving him. Bryan and I shared some of the same friends, and all those friends turned on me. They would feed him lies about me, which led to me having to cut them off. 

They would say, "Grow up, get it together; you're immature." 

How could they say these things to me but not know the pain I was causing? 

My life turned into a tornado wrecking everything in its path. Everyone chose him and said I was the problem. Bryan was disrespectful by saying rude things about me, and everyone believed them. I was blindsided by Bryan, which led to losing three of my closest friends, and I became defeated. However, I knew this wasn't my fight; this was theirs. 

After thinking about all the drama and the environment I am in, I decided to leave. I need change and new people to start my life. I have family in Washington, so I packed my things and flew. It was a huge adjustment. I didn't know anyone; I was surrounded by miles of land, no malls, and horrible cell phone service. However, I couldn't have been happier once I adjusted to this change. I am no longer in a toxic relationship being controlled; I am not surrounded by fake friends anymore, and most importantly, I am so happy.

 I spend my days soaking up the beautiful vibrant sun and breathing in the fresh air. I go on hikes through mountains and write in my journal every day. This place is what I imagine heaven to be: no yelling, fighting, just peace with birds chirping, wind running through the trees, and wildlife running free. I see the beauty in life every day when I wake up and go outside, this is what life is supposed to be, and I have finally found it. 

The author's comments:

This piece shows how change can be good and healthy. 

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