Betrayed by Angel Soto | Teen Ink

Betrayed by Angel Soto

September 8, 2023
By as0308450 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
as0308450 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Late night on a Saturday in our two story house and Dad is nowhere to be found. He’s never home as it is and all I want is that he spend a little time with me and my other siblings. Mom and dad have been really atrophy lately and they are always arguing. One day I was sitting in the living room watching television and my father came in barging the door open yelling while holding a bottle of liquor. My mom had some ascendancy and told him to leave if he is going to be acting like that but he refused. She had to start helping him if she wanted to stay so she put him in rehab but that did not last so she told him to find a job he agreed and immediately went the next morning. He left the house very secretive like he was clandestine. The day went on and mom went to work while dad was supposed to be looking for a job but in reality, he wasn’t. He was seeing someone else. Or else why would he come home with lip stick on his face and smelling like perfume? Dad thought he was safe because mom was supposed to work overnight but she got let off early and BAM! came home and saw him covered in kisses that weren’t from her. She immediately noticed that she’s given him too many chances and the environment was not good for her kids. She grew some more ascendancy and called 911 to come get him since there was drugs in the house. The police arrived and POW! immediately took him away and now she was autonomous. A few months passed and we were doing just fine with mom. She had met someone but she did not want to risk anything else so she never invited him over. More months passed and they were still talking so she gave in and brought him over for dinner. He was such a sweetheart and even cleaned our dirty dishes from the yummy pasta we had. A year has now passed and on a random day he decided to get on one knee and propose to my mommy. I now had a new father figure and he's the best I could ever ask for. I am glad and excited we have a new member to the family.

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