The Crash | Teen Ink

The Crash

September 13, 2023
By Anonymous

The Crash

My name is Maddy, and I was recently diagnosed with severe anxiety. I've always been a shy person, but I feel like it's gotten worse since I started school. I'm currently in summer and in three months I will start high school and I'm scared for my life. But I'm very grateful to have my two friends who I know will help me get through this. I'm so looking forward to spending the summer with my two friends. Violet and Zara. Me and my friends have been besties since birth. People always say trios never work but I think otherwise. They've never left me aside or made me feel like I was doing too much. I don't think I could ever live without them; they're like the star to my burst.


It's the first month of summer and I'm going to the beach with my friends. Violet has a car already so she's already able to drive us anywhere. We get to the beach and there's a lot of teens there. I'm so nervous. I'm not a social person but Violet and Zara are. I get so anxious when around a lot of people but it's my first teen party so I'm just trying my best to get out of my comfort zone and be more social. It's already midnight and everyone around me is drunk and throwing up. Everyone is already starting to leave so Violet tells us to hurry up and get in the car. "Are you sure you can drive Violet, I think it's better if we just get an Uber '' Zara says. "I'm fine, I can drive," Violet says. I'm a little scared to ride with her but I don't want her to think I don't trust her, so I just get in the car. "Put Pursuit Of Happiness' ' Violet says. I already know that when Violet puts this song on it's about to go down. Violet starts driving faster, she starts going 70 mph. "Slow down," Zara says. "Please Violet, listen to Zara you're going to get us killed!" I add. But Violet doesn't seem to care. I tighten my seatbelt. Next thing you know there's a car driving towards us. POOM! The car spins and then I pass out. "Are you okay?" a faint voice tells me, but all I can think of is the loud police and Ambulance sirens and then I pass out again.


"She's awake!" A familiar voice says. "What happened?" I ask. "You've been in a coma for 2 months," The doctor says. I couldn't believe it. I was so shocked. "YOU'RE AWAKE! YOU'RE AWAKE"! I recognized those voices. And then I feel four arms hug me so tightly. "I'm sorry Maddy I should've just got an Uber like Zara suggested," Violet says. "It's okay Violet, I'm just so grateful that we're all here together," I say. "Not even a car accident could stop this trio," Zara says. We all laugh. The doctors tell me that I'll be able to go home by the end of the week. It's now the end of the Week and I'm finally being discharged and by my side are my two favorite people. Violet and Zara.


It's the first day of school. I'm so nervous but I'm grateful I have my friends by my side. We met in front of the school. "Are y'all ready to walk in?" Violet asks. "I'm shaking so bad I feel like I'm going to throw up. '' I say "Don't worry Maddy you have us, everything is going to be okay". Zara tells me. "Let's go, guys, we're going to be late, '' Violet tells us. We walk in and I immediately start feeling like everyone is looking at me. It's okay just breathe, I think to myself. Violet and Zara have the same first period but I'm in a different class but they still walk me to my class so I won't be alone. "We'll wait for you outside of your class once the bell rings, remember Everything is going to be fine" Violet and Zara tell me. I go into my class and look down so I won't see people staring at me. I try not to overthink but every time I hear a laugh I feel like they're laughing at me. Class ended and I felt so relieved. Zara and Violet hug me when they see me and I just feel like the most grateful person in the world for having them. Every day for the whole school year we walked to school together and little by little they helped me get through my anxiety. Even though it's hard for me to not get anxious, I think being with them makes me forget all my problems.


It's the morning of the last day of freshman year. I'm so excited. My therapist told me that I've gotten better this whole year and I can finally say that I've also been happier than ever. I don't overthink too much, and I haven't had any panic attacks so far. For the last time, I met my friends in front of the school. "Meet at my car when the bell for dismissal rings, I'm driving us to the Main Event to celebrate the last day of school!" Violet says. We all agree and we go our separate ways for class. The dismissal bell rings. FINALLY! WERE OUT! I run to the bus only thinking about how much fun this summer will be. "WATCH OUT!" Someone says. BOOM! I've tripped on a giant rock. I passed out.

"She's awake!" A familiar voice says. "What happened?" I ask. "You've been in a coma for 2 months," The doctor says. I couldn't believe it. I was so shocked. "You got in a car crash in June, it's now August," The doctor told me once again. I laugh. "I actually believed you for a second doctor, good one," I say. "I'm so sorry honey," My mom says. "Sorry for what Mom, I'm okay I just tripped on a rock By the way where are Violet and Zara why haven't they come to pick me up to celebrate?" I ask. I see my mom tear up. "Are you okay Mom?" I ask. "The other two passengers in the car died on impact." The doctor tells me.


It's been 3 years since I found out my best friends died. But I've managed to go through high school all by myself. I never wanted this to happen but I know things happen for a reason. The dream I had meant so much to me. I know that was their way of telling me that I could get through this alone. I miss them so much. There's never a day that I don't think about them. I walked across the stage and got my diploma. Even though they were not physically there to see me I know they saw me and they're cheering up in heaven for me.

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