Reckless Driver | Teen Ink

Reckless Driver

June 6, 2024
By Carson7707 BRONZE, Lisbon, Wisconsin
Carson7707 BRONZE, Lisbon, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The children sprinted into the street completely unaware of the danger they put themselves in. Screeching tires echoed in the distance, surely the kids would make knowledge of this and get off the road. 

Completely oblivious to the danger coming at them a reckless driver going 20 mph over the speed limit had no sight of the kids until the last second where he spun his wheel to the right barely dodging the kids sending him straight into a parked car, sending shards of glass and debris flying through the icy air.

As the children both stood there in shock they looked at the crashed cars as a rush of adrenaline surged through their bodies. “That was way too close,” they both thought to themselves, their hearts pounding rapidly. With trembling legs they ran inside to go grab their parents for help.

The children's dad quickly dialed 911 with shaky hands, his voice urgent to get help to the driver. With the sirens in the distance a sense of relief, but the image of the crash replayed in their minds, leaving them shaken but thankful to be safe.

“I'm so sorry,” the driver said with his shaken voice. “How could I have put these kids in danger,” he thought to himself. The driver bawling his eyes out was taken to the hospital leaving the parents thankful their kids were not harmed.

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