Cancer | Teen Ink


August 28, 2009
By Emmy-lou BRONZE, Brighton, Michigan
Emmy-lou BRONZE, Brighton, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I claw the walls in search of a way out. I'll never find it, but I cant stop. No one shall remember me, nor my name. For it means "the one WE call INSANE." This life just keeps dragging on! Wont stop 'til it finds a way to destroy us all!

Why cannot anybody find a cure for life? As diseases run through the blood of inocent lifes, doctors forget what it means to have a normal childhood. And dont give it thought.

Mine was crucial. Living in fear that there will be no answer. When I shout, I only hear an echo that tells me that no one will ever understand. The people that say they do...realy dont. I tend to put their voices behind.

The man that visits me in my sleep doesnt tell me to wake up. Who is he? Does HE understand? Will I still wake up? By the time this nightmare comes, I fade away into the darkness. Black walls with inscribed words I wrote surround me. Still no one listens nor watches for signs of me. I guess pain is followed by hate. Living through that, just, isnt worth it.

Why I stick here and wait a little while longer, is because I know god works in mysterious ways.

Never again, though, will you read this and think of me, becuase I'm gone now. I put up with this for too long.

Nobody said that life was easy, nor did they say life is a terrible way to die.

The author's comments:
I was inspired by the movie "A Haunting In Conneticut."

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This article has 2 comments.

EmmyLou23 said...
on Sep. 16 2009 at 7:31 pm
aaw, thx 4 the comment. ill work on it more

on Sep. 16 2009 at 7:03 pm
Jefferson_Aero SILVER, St. Joseph, Missouri
7 articles 0 photos 4 comments
This was pretty good. I think you jumped around between topics, and it didn't flow very well. You have the puzzle pieces laid out on the table, the blacks with the blacks, the greens with the greens, and now all you have to do is piece them together to form a picture!

I like what you've started with!