The Newborn | Teen Ink

The Newborn

January 1, 2010
By Sam_Donaghey BRONZE, Glasgow, Other
Sam_Donaghey BRONZE, Glasgow, Other
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Art is the collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better.<br /> Andre Gide <br /> <br /> A man can be destroyed but not defeated.<br /> Ernest Hemingway

Charlie’s bleary eyes were unwelcomingly met by the crisp morning sun that was glistening in the morning fog. Every strong and growing bone and muscle ached as he hauled his half asleep body out of his half broken bed. His unsuspecting mind unconcerned about what it was going to encounter in a long and winding tale of a day. Then he remembered he was in a hospital. His girlfriend was giving birth. He was riddled with shock when he remembered this awful truth.

Charlie startled and nearly knocked over an elderly patient as he burst through the doors of the Family Room of the maternity ward. Charlie sprinted across the ward unaware that all that was covering him and his manhood was a mustard stained vest and a pair of clinging boxers courtesy of Calvin Klein. With every room he past his head twisted furiously. But no one resembled his mum or Jackie. Until, he heard the scream of a newborn baby.

He ran down the corridor like Ussein Bolt running down one hundred metres. As he was running he was popping his head in every single room that he had passed.

He popped his head in a was them. Charlie (not noticing it was them) kept on running. Charlie's face screwed up. As the reality hit him he stopped in his tracks and ran back the way he came.

He ran and turned left into the room. "It's a baby boy!" said the nurse.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 20 2010 at 5:02 pm
Sam_Donaghey BRONZE, Glasgow, Other
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Art is the collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better.<br /> Andre Gide <br /> <br /> A man can be destroyed but not defeated.<br /> Ernest Hemingway

Hi. Could you maybe comment after reading please. That would be Fantastic.
