Audio (Part 1) | Teen Ink

Audio (Part 1)

May 6, 2012
By LeenaB GOLD, Hoover, Alabama
LeenaB GOLD, Hoover, Alabama
11 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it. -Jane Wagner

My eyes open.

I see her. The first person I see is her. My love.

She speaks. I hear nothing.

"What?" I say.

She repeats. I still hear nothing.

"Luna, I can't hear you."

She speaks more while examining my face worriedly. She turns and inaudible words spew from her lips. I'm confused. Fear washes over me. She turns back.

Tears fill her eyes and roll down her rosy cheeks. She screams my name. Why can't I hear? What's wrong?

The doctor rushes in and light streams into my right pupil then my left. He speaks to me. Again, I hear nothing.

"Why can't I hear you?!" I scream

He looks at me with pity and turns to Luca. He speaks to her and she stands motionless. Her face turns pale and the doctor backs away. She walks to my side. She wraps her arms around my torso and sobs.

She cries for well over five minutes until the nurses pry her from me. She lets them take her away. She has grown weak. This is not the Luna I know.

"Be strong moon. I love you!"

I scream as the nurses roll me away from her presence. Then I am welcomed back to darkness.


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