once when he walked part two( First) | Teen Ink

once when he walked part two( First)

September 5, 2012
By Jazzmyne69 BRONZE, Mt.holly, New Jersey
Jazzmyne69 BRONZE, Mt.holly, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you are still alive, you have not yet served your purpose in life....

She was taunting him, dancing that way. He knew that she knew all the guys at the party wouldn't be able to ignore her. And he swore that when she spun around, she winked at him. Now she was done dancing. She left the floor. He lifted his head, scanning the crowd for her. Just then his friend came up to him. He appeared drunk. There was a cup of suspicious liquid in his hand that might have been the culprit.
"What's up?" he slurred. obviously he was being ignored. he shrugged and turned away. Just as his friend spotted his beauty and future wife (in his mind). He grabbed the drunk and pointed in the direction of the girl. "What are you pointing at, Matty?"
"I'm Chris," the first boy replied. "Whatever. Look at that girl." As Chris said this, the girl sauntered- more like floated- past. The wind blew her perfume all over. She smelled of lavender. He stared in her direction and she motioned with one finger for him to come close. Chris stood there debating whether or not she could actually be talking to him. finally, she came over to him instead.
"Hi, there!" she piped. " I'm Jasmine."

The author's comments:
part two of my first article. leave comments people. i want honest feedback.

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