The Daycare Incident | Teen Ink

The Daycare Incident

November 16, 2012
By Anonymous

“Ryan,” I could hear my daycare teacher yelling at me. “Ryan and Jacob cut it out!”

All of a sudden I hear this big shot screaming at me, “Give it back! Don’t make me push you!

Hold on, let me tell you what is going on, so you don’t get the wrong picture of me, and I’m just telling you now, I’m about 3 or 4 years old. I’m in daycare, having a normal lunchtime, with the horrible stench of diapers filling the air, and I look over at this kid, Jacob. By the way, this kid is a jerk. Just last week we were playing a game when somebody has to wear a diaper on their head, and Jacob was chosen. So, like everyone else, I laugh, so he chooses me to give a shove to, so we both got in trouble. Anyways, I was eating my lunch, and it was Jacob’s birthday, but he was feeling sick so he didn’t eat his munchkins his mom packed him. Everybody else digs in and helps themselves to his donuts, and they are delicious! He must’ve not really liked me, because when I go in he chooses me to get angry at, and pushes me. Just like any normal kid, which by the way I am the normal one, and Jacob is a science experiment gone wrong, I decide to get into a fight with him, for self-defense purposes, of course. That’s where the yelling comes in.

“Kids,” the daycare teacher says,” stop it right now or else I’m going to call both of your parents!”

Like the good little kid I was I back up, but Jacob comes after me again. I didn’t want to get hit and have him go home early, and I go home with a boo-boo, so I decide to teach punk a lesson, once again, for self-defense. So, I do a little push again the wall, pull him back, and knock him over… okay… maybe I just kicked him, but still, I showed him up. Of course until he came back at me, and,” Smack”, he hit me on the ground so hard I went to sleep, but, I was just pretending that it hurt to save his pride… sort of. It only felt like my little brother slapping me in the face. I remember waking up to my dad in his hippie sunglasses and hair picking me up from daycare, and taking me home. While my dad was carrying me out, we passed by Jacob getting picked up by his dad. Since this kid got the last laugh, I thought I’d take it away from him, so as we pass by, I’m aiming, aiming, and … he shoots, he scores! I shot a bunch of spit right into his hair, and even with the consequences, I would have to say, boy was it worth it.

My dad replied to my actions,” Ryan that was wrong, now say you’re sorry!”

“O-kay,” I replied in arrogance,” I’m sooo sorry, Jacob… that you are such a poop-head!”
So, my dad apologized to Jacob’s parents, and then he took me home. Although, my parents were quite mad at me, I have to tell you, I would do that all again, because that was, and might be for the rest of my life, the best day I had ever had.
It’s just one of those moments you have that you will never forget, even though other people in that story might forget it, you won’t. That was also the first day I ever knew what being a winner felt like, and I’ll have to tell you, it feels amazing! That is also one of the main reasons that I have a short temper with kids that are just plain annoying. If there is somebody giving me a hard time, I don’t have a problem giving them a piece of my mind. Now, I get a descent amount of trouble when I,” deal” with kids that get obnoxious.

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