Fairytale | Teen Ink


December 13, 2012
By Jessica Tenold BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
Jessica Tenold BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time….. wait never mind that is the usual starting, but I am original. There was a young woman, Rosa, a lively beautiful lady. She had an unknown stepsister but lived in the same village since they were born. Rosa had the most wonderful life in the castle, her sister was not so lucky stuck in the slums of the village. Her sister, Rosalie had done some research because she was suspicious of the Royal family. She was becoming closer to figuring out that she was also the daughter of the King and Queen. The King and Queen, Harry and Clarisse, could not let this happen, because they cannot have twins so one of them was sent away at birth. They knew Rosalie would tell the village, and she would be killed. The next day, Harry and Clarisse went to Rosalie and had to tell her she was the twin of Rosa but must not tell anyone. She agreed for more support for a better life and to keep their secret safe. Rosalie took this to another step further and if she wanted something she would threaten Harry and Clarisse, so they would have to get it to her. One time she asked for something way to large and the villagers would know that she was receiving gifts from the royals. They said no to what she wanted, so she exposed the family but that meant she was going to be killed. The night before she was supposed to be killed she snuck into the castle, past the guards, and to Harry and Clarisse bedrooms. She killed them so she could live. The whole town was depressed; Rosalie went to move into the castle. Rosa now scared of Rosalie, killed herself. So Rosalie took over the thrown and changed all twin rules, and other rules she thought were unnecessary. Rosalie lived with the townspeople, who all loved her, and happily ever after they all lived.

The author's comments:
I have my imagination run wild in school.

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