Garbage | Teen Ink


December 22, 2012
By Anonymous

Dear Diary,
Now I know that this sounds strange, but let me explain. It all started this morning. Do you ever have a time where you see someone and you just have to know everything about them. Maybe you like them, or maybe you’re the little bratty sibling trying to get dirt on your older sibling, well that’s how it was with me. Well, … the first one because liking your older brother would be totally weird. So today I ran into this boy, he invited me to his house and his name is name is Mataio. He’s my age and well I am 16. Well I was waiting for him to come back I wrote this over to his house, and will finish writing when I get home . Now he’s gone and I’m bored. He’s really sweet and a total sporty guy.
So I saw a really odd shaped package. It was unopened, the address label from the sender is all smudged almost as if he’s trying to hide something. I can barely make out the label but it did say Anna Maria and then the last name is too smudged to read. Above there is a letter. This explains so much. I know that this is wrong, but I read the letter. It said,

Dear Matiao,

I know that this probably won’t make up for what I did when you were little. Please try to forgive me.

Anna Maria.

Well that’s quite unusual. Everything else in the garbage was normal. An old sports illustrated. There was also some old food scraps.
It all happened so suddenly, but he was back. Where was I? I of course was laying on the ground with the garbage laying on the ground, and the letter still open and in my hand. I throw it up in the air and try to fling myself up onto the bed. It was too late,
“OUT”, he yelled.

As I hung my head in shame. I know it was wrong but I guess curiosity killed the cat or in my case the chance at a new friendship, maybe even a relationship.

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