The chase | Teen Ink

The chase

February 23, 2013
By Anonymous

The chase

One day my mom took me by my little brother’s school. I had told him his new laptop was home already. We then got home, he jump really excitedly. Then he ran off to open the door, when a dog comes from behind me really mad I then got scared. My brother then runs backwards so that the dog will chase him instead of me. After my brother ran till his last breath, my little sister threw pieces of her taco off meat. The dog then ran after the meat and my little sister then threw it as far as she could. The dog then was going crazy over a delicious piece of meat and its bone. The dog started to jump a lot. And he had the saddest eyes for the yummy delicious meat. As soon as my sister let the pieces of meat go, the dog jump happily like he never jump before. Until the meat was inside his mouth the dog putted a smile on his face. His eyes were full of happiness and joy. To conclude, my brother and I was out of danger because of my nice little super hero, my sister.

The author's comments:
We all ran.

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