Your Impression | Teen Ink

Your Impression

July 24, 2013
By Huntstuff BRONZE, Williamsfield, Illinois
Huntstuff BRONZE, Williamsfield, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You said we were ment to be. That one day we'd marry, have kids, and live the normal suberbian life of most city dwellers. I guess I was too niave to realize what you were up to.

I look into a small grey puddle of dank rain water. I use to be beautiful. But now, I'll forever be a reminder of what you'd done.

I touch my cheek, unaware that I was crying. I rub my finger across my face, tracing the scar that you've left me with. I can hear your voice, "I'll always love you". I wince at the pain.

I put my hands in my coat pockets as I start down the road. I see the bridge where you proposed. To think of how happy I was that morning. And to think that was the worst day of my life.

I keep walking until I get to the spot where you proposed. I can remember you standing over me that night, "I'm sorry" you said. I remember the pain you caused, then that you just left me there to die.

I remember waking up in the hospital a few days later. The doctor told me what happened, and that they found you dead the next morning. I was both saddened and angered by the fact you were gone. Why didn't I get the luxury of death?

I out over the bride, and give a quick smile. Your last words ring in my ears as I fall. "It'll only hurt for a few moments."

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