Mr. Crow | Teen Ink

Mr. Crow

December 6, 2013
By Noah taylor BRONZE, Indinapolis, Indiana
Noah taylor BRONZE, Indinapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Help! Anyone, please, help me! I’m being robbed! Help,” an old lady screamed as she was being harassed by a criminal.
“No one can hear you,” the criminal responded mischievously. By this time, the criminal had already taken the woman’s purse and was running away. The old lady continued to scream for help. There was a loud bang and then the robber disappeared.
“Hey, man! Let me go! I’m sorry! I’ll give it back.” The woman looked up toward the voice and saw the robber dangling from the roof above her. Someone was hanging him from his foot. The thief dropped the purse. The lady ran over to it, picked it up, and then quickly got in her car and drove off.
The next day the police were called to the same building because of a murder. “Commissioner James, it seems the victim’s liver was penetrated by a small blade. And, as you can see, he’s wearing a mask. I think it’s quite interesting. There was also a note left here saying ‘Introduce a little anarchy, upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I’m an agent of chaos, and you know the thing about chaos? It’s fair.’
“There may be fingerprints on the card,” explained a police officer.
“Get someone to scan the card for fingerprints. I’m going to stay here a little longer,” replied James. After the police officer left to find someone else to take the card, the commissioner walked around the rooftop to see if he could find anything else.
Later that day they were called to another crime scene where the same exact thing had happened. Another man in a mask was murdered with a blade to the liver. There was also another card, but this one said ‘I wouldn’t have to do this if the police would try to help.’
“I have a feeling this is only going to get worse,” the commissioner thought.
A police officer came up to the commissioner and said, “Each of these people that he has killed has had some kind of criminal record and they were wearing masks. I think he’s trying to help us.”
“Yes, that may be true, but there is no reason to kill someone. We’ve banned the death penalty almost everywhere, so killing a man is a crime even if they are bad people.” The commissioner stated, “I think we need to find this guy fast before he does something even more dramatic.”
When they got back to the police station they were told that a suspect had been caught. The commissioner wanted to talk to him in private so led the suspect to a small, plain interrogation room, where they were both seated. It had only a table with two chairs. The criminal’s name was Jonathan Crow. He was 6’7” and weighed around 290 pounds. He already had a criminal record from about ten years ago for scaring children at a park, dressed up as a scarecrow.
“How are you, James?” smirked Jonathan.
“We are not here to talk about me. Why would you kill these innocent people?” asked the commissioner.
“They weren’t innocent,” he said. All of a sudden, the door opened really quickly. BANG! The commissioner was dead. A man had shot a bullet right through his head.
“Thank you,” Jonathan whispered in the commissioner’s ear.
“Alright now, let’s get out of here. I don’t want to be put in jail again,” the man said. The murderer and Jonathan walked out of the room. There was no one in the whole police station.
“Robert, what the heck happened to everyone?” Jonathan questioned.
“I don’t really know . . . when I walked in here everyone was gone, but I heard your voice coming from that room so I just came in and got you,” Robert stated. “Wait, before we go, I need to use the restroom. I’m about to pee myself.”
“Okay, fine, but hurry,” Jonathan emphasized. Robert walked to into the bathroom. Inside, he found a dead body in the corner of the room wearing a police officer suit.
A bomb had gone off.
Twenty minutes later, police arrived at the crime scene. Two bodies were found dead: Jonathan Crow and Robert William Fisher.

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