Love Forever | Teen Ink

Love Forever

January 9, 2014
By jackfrost SILVER, Boston, Massachusetts
jackfrost SILVER, Boston, Massachusetts
5 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Gun shots pierced the air as men and women fell to the ground. A young woman stood at the doorway staring in the direction of where shots were fired. She stood there sighing and thinking about her engagement with one of the soldiers. Sergeant G. Gerald. He had just got a telegram saying that they needed him back in the field. She turned her head and saw her black tabby cat jump onto the railing; she smiled as she petted him. Soon her mind just switched to something else. She could not stop thinking if she really loved this man. Knowing that they were childhood friends did not necessarily mean that they had to be in love. She just liked him, because he was so brave and she liked brave men. Sighing again, she took out a red collar with a small golden bell; she put the collar around the cat’s neck. The women then scratched her cat behind the ears. “What do you think of the war, Linus?” In response, the cat purred. “I thought so.”

The women gazed back into the distance. Her name was Elizabeth Leona Mirabeau. She is almost twenty-two. Her father was the richest man in England. Elizabeth grew up without a mother because her mother died right after she was born. Elizabeth wore a long white puffed out flannel dress with ribbons tied at the waist And a shawl over her shoulders. Elizabeth told herself that she would stay in the house until her finance would come back. Time just past and everything started to rot and she became ill; no one was there to help cure here, but her only possession that was still intact was Linus. He had crawled under her arm and asked for one last pet. “ I know that you love me, but I will pass soon and that will be it...” She was in the middle of petting her cat when her eyes shut and her head fell to one side. Linus stood up and rubbed against her cheek; he purred.


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