A Day of Freedom | Teen Ink

A Day of Freedom

February 7, 2014
By Anonymous

My freshman year, in the Spring, my boyfriend broke up with me. I thought that it was the worst thing that had ever happened to me. Well to that point, it pretty much was.

After struggling with an abusive relationship with my father. I never realized that a good fathers do not hit his kids, because that was all I had ever known. A year ago I found myself in a hospital, wearing blue paper scrubs. I had tried to kill myself. As well as thinking about how things would be if I died. I thought about things normal fifteen-year-olds do not think about. I debated about whether I wanted to be an organ donor or donate my body to science. I still do not know.

But you see at that point, I wasn’t sure if I even wanted to live. It took me a trip to Mexico to an orphanage to make me see a life worth living. I realized that I loved my life, and I wanted to help people, which helped me come to the conclusion that I wanted to be a medical missionary. Now, I am staying home from school, doing most of my school online because I have been having health problems. I have been having headaches, and being really dizzy and passing out. The thing is that now, I would rather be living a perfectly normal life. I want to travel, but instead I am pretty much confined to my bed.

I guess that what really matters is to take advantage of what you have when you have it, because you never know when it will be taken away from you.

The author's comments:
Today is today, take advantage of what you have, because you may not have it tomorrow.

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