The Most Unselfish Gift | Teen Ink

The Most Unselfish Gift

February 11, 2014
By brittolivia BRONZE, Kingsford, Michigan
brittolivia BRONZE, Kingsford, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" I can be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it "

She continually vowed to love me eternally. She recurrently told me I was the sole reason she possessed strength to endure life. She relentlessly referred to me as her “pride and joy,” as every mother does with their only child. No words could ever elucidate the true intensity of her adoration for me, and mine reciprocated for her. I was extraordinarily blessed with such an auspicious role model, parent, and hero. The challenging decisions she was forced to make were remarkably altruistic, and I will endlessly be appreciative, as will others, for my mother’s selfless verdicts.

Friday was the sole day of the week I looked forward to, and it was here at last! Sitting in the last period of the day, I stared blankly out the window, day dreaming about that cute senior with chiseled cheek bones that said hello to me earlier this morning. Damn, I wish I could go back and return the greeting, as opposed to the wide eyed open mouth approach I had chosen. It was then that I was snapped back into reality by the high pitched screech of my teacher, “Katie, perhaps you could answer the question for the class?!” I stared blankly, while an entire class of eyes turned to gawk at me. The only thought in my mind was a hot senior boy –and somehow I highly doubted that was the accurate response. A colossal sigh of relief came over me as that buzzing sound of freedom saved me from a humiliating attempt at replying – I was saved by the bell!

I hurried to my corroded silvery vehicle, twisted the key in the ignition, and pressed faintly on the gas pedal, as this was the lone way of starting my “divine” mode of transportation. I was scrambling to return home as I had a party to attend, and I required, at the bare minimum, two hours of intense makeup and hair work to transform from greasy faced school girl into Miss America material. I stretched to the opposite side of the car in effort to reach my lip gloss that was in the glove box, and commended myself when I was able to grab it. Upon returning to the steering wheel, I saw those furry brown creatures known all too well in Michigan. I was aware that I was going sixty and breaking would not stop my bucket of rust, so in attempt to miss the deer, I swerved to the right. This is the last moment I can recall clearly.

I knew I was in a hospital due to the horrid aroma and scratchy bedding, but I was unable to move or speak. I heard my mother speaking with the doctors about the accident, but physically I could not participate in the conversation. I recollect hearing those petrifying words leave the doctors mouth, “Mrs. Anderson, your daughter, Katie, tried to veer away from an animal that was in the middle of the road. Upon doing this, she hit a tree and broke her neck on impact. Katie is in a severe coma and if, by some miracle, she awakens, she will never walk, speak, or eat on her own. I know this is a difficult moment in your life, but I highly suggest you contact other family members to say your final goodbyes.” My mother shrieked in trepidation at this news, and fought for hours with doctors that this was not reality. She wept in melancholy as she held my hand and, through her sorrow, made the necessary phone calls to family members.

I drifted in and out of consciousness, and heard various updates about my worsening condition. My mother had been at the hospital for over a month with my lifeless body, and had come to the realization that, even if I awoke, my quality of life would be horrible. She concluded that it was time for her to say goodbye to me, and I felt surprisingly at peace with this. She signed the required forms, spoke with multiple doctors about what would happen after I passed, and consoled miserable family members that had been informed of the news. Moments before she was going to say her goodbyes, an unfamiliar doctor entered the room and asked to speak with her. She agreed, and the doctor proceeded to explain his shocking story. “We have a patient who was in a similar accident to Katie’s, the difference being age. This patient but five years in age, is in heart failure, and would lead a perfectly normal life if she was to have a transplant within the next forty eight hours. I know this is a difficult time, and we grieve with your loss, but we are in desperate need of a healthy heart in order to save a life.” My mom was stunned, as any parent would be. In ordinary circumstances, abundant time would be allotted to make this decision, but there was merely days. Although I know she could not hear me, I begged my mom from within my unresponsive body to give this desperate little girl a chance at life. I know she did not understand my words, but I truly feel like my mother communicated with my on a different level, because she responded with “Yes. That is exactly what Katie wants.”

Two years after the procedure, my mother was able to meet the beautiful and healthy young girl, who was appallingly named Katharine. Although, at this precise point in life, Katharine does not entirely comprehend what my healthy heart in conjunction with my mother’s astonishing choices truthfully did for her, it is obvious that her parents do. When my mother was introduced to Katharine, her parents had a stethoscope waiting for her on table. She picked the device up, placed it in both ears, and held it up to Katharine’s chest. My mother heard the sturdy thud of my heartbeat, a heart that would have never beat again if she had not been so utterly noble. It was at this moment that she knew she had made the right choice. She continues to tell me I am the lone reason she possesses strength to endure life. She continues to tell others that I am her “pride and joy.” She vowed to love me eternally, and has kept that promise.

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