Finding my way back | Teen Ink

Finding my way back

March 7, 2014
By ninoshka_delacruz BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
ninoshka_delacruz BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Finding my way back

On my way to the mall with my aunt, she stops in a strange road. She grabs me and takes my arm and stab something into it. I felt a slightly pin go into my arms making my eyes water up. I started slowly losing my eyesight until my eyes went completely blank.
I slowly started opening my eyes. My heads pounding harder and harder each minutes goes by. My legs feels like noodles trying to move. My body gets weaker and weaker each minute.
A minute later I feel someone grabbing me by my hair and starts dragging me through some hard stairs. Im screaming loud for help while I’m in pain and sobbing lightly so they wouldn't hear me. But right at that moment I get kicked in the stomach making me curl into a ball.
I hear a loud husky voice speaking to me. Loud footsteps walking towards me making my heart pound faster and faster.
“Whats your name?” States a tall husky man.
“Nadia.” I said slowly stuttering.
“Why so tense?” He said with a smirk.
“ How did I get here?” I said quickly.

“Don’t you remember?’ He said confused
“No I don’t actually.” I said quietly.

He then walks away pulling his phone out, ready to call someone. I hear him speaking to someone.
All of a sudden he comes back in looking for me furiously. I start running towards some large boxes, making me trip over a dead mouse. I start crawling towards the boxes with some insane bruising under my arms making me go slower and slower. I then reach the boxes, hearing his large stumps walking towards me while each large box falls to the ground making a thunderous sound.
“GET OUT” yelled the man furiously.
“Please don’t hurt me” I said shaking.
“If you take anymore of my time , you will have some bad consequences. So hurry!” He said yelling.
“Okay okay” I said slowly crawling out from behind.

He grabs me and swings me up, and towards my face came a flying fist. I started screaming for help while blood was gushing down my face. I felt my body slowly falling on to the ground. I then grabbed my face and felt all this blood making me scream. I get up and start running towards a door , breathing heavy making me run slower but I’m still trying. Then i hear a squeaking sound coming from the door , It was opening up but I couldn't see anyone.
Moments later the door finally opened. There was a women standing behind it.
“Please don’t hurt me” I said begging.
“No no honey, I’m here to get you out”. She said smiling.

I slowly get up thinking if I was getting punked, but I had to take a chance. She reaches out for me and I get up having so much fear in my hurt.

“We’re getting you out of here.” She said peacefully.
“Thank you.” I said pleading.
We get in the car. We’re both there sitting quietly. She then starts her car.
“Where are you taking me?” I said anxious.
“A place where you won’t suffer anymore”. She said smiling.

I just sat back, thinking to myself. Why would my aunt do this to me? Did she do it for the money? Or did she not care anymore? The women then shakes me to make sure I’m fine and wakes me up from day dreaming. I get out there car. What can I expect ? I just met this woman and know she's bringing me to her house. We walk towards her house and a little girl comes out from behind.

"Hi I'm Samantha." The little girl says jumping up and down.
"Hi I'm Nadia." I say with a smile.

She grabs me and takes me in. She starts introducing me one by one to the rest of the girls. Some will smile others will turn away.

"Don't mind them, they'll get use to you very quick". Samantha states.
"I hope so." I said.
"All these girls went exactly through what you went through, some more younger and others more." The women states.

A year went by. I'm still trying to recover but all these girls have helped me realize that i am not alone. That I have more to life than just being stuck in a dark room trying to erase memories that can't be easily erased. But thanks to them I started finding myself little by little and had become a stronger young lady.

The author's comments:
I hope that people will get to see what these young girls go through and won't put that against them. Also have more people help them get back on track.

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