Selflessly Reckless | Teen Ink

Selflessly Reckless

March 17, 2014
By losarn BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
losarn BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sun played understudy to the brilliant lights aware of their imminent fame, as the cars whirling by displaced the beauty of Time Square. Kara glanced around at the cold, steel giants that surrounded her, fulfilling an internal purpose that screamed for success. Each day, the effect grew more intense, as if her destiny for being in New York City became more prevalent the second she laid eyes on the glittering screens filled with the promise of triumph. Today, she could feel a sense of New York calling her; not to look at it, like usual, but instead to dominate it.

Calvin glanced across the field of steel weeds rising and overtaking the concrete dirt where blossoming culture poked its head through. He gracefully stomped toward the rehearsal studio, in the opposite direction of NYU where he had spent his endless years preparing for this moment. Today was his day, and there was no opportunity for it to be otherwise. This was his last chance before his supportive, yet impatient, parents made him return to the sleepy town of Owensboro, Kentucky to live a life that was not meant for him. He pushed those thoughts away and began to remember his confidence. He stopped in front of the shabby white-wooden doors and took no time for breath and none for revelry in the moment. He surged through them as though they were nonexistent and took his place on the floor of the old and sophisticated studio, feeling as though all the confidence of the world belonged to him alone. The song to his choreography bubbled through his lips and a resonant hum exited quite boisterously, causing an even larger rush of confidence.

Maxine Fisher gazed at the fresh faces that graced the small, white, concrete studio. She looked at the ambitious dancers along the walls, worn with a sense of dream and dedication. She saw nothing special. She was fairly decent at predicting potential stars and potential McDonald’s workers. When she thought all hope was lost, her eyes settled on a girl that had just walked in the door; long, light blonde hair swishing gently from side to side, sparkling blue eyes that mimicked the turquoise waves of the ocean, and guessing from her stance along the wall, the epitome of grace and poise. She was the star Maxine had been looking for, and time would tell whether or not her hypothesis would be found true or not.

Kara was aware of Maxine’s gaze and could only hope that she wasn’t criticizing her so early in the audition process. She saw her lean over and whisper something to the producer, keeping her bold eyes on Kara the entire time. Kara turned away as she felt her nerves begin to rise. Maxine Fisher was one of the most prominent and celebrated directors of Broadway and this show was set to take her to her fourth Tony’s. Kara’s thoughts were impeded by the start of auditions. She was fifteenth out of fifty, and she hoped that would be the perfect time to leave a lasting impression. All of a sudden, as if no time had passed, the girl before her was reaching the end of her well-practiced dance. Kara looked around, her nerves taking control. With a deep breath she managed to regain her composure.

From somewhere behind, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned and saw a handsome young man, close to her age, maybe twenty-one. He had medium-length brown hair and blue eyes that could make any girl melt. With little time before her name was called, he managed,
“Hey, it’s going to be alright. Just remember; don’t trip. And when you’re starring in this show, don’t forget the guy who gave you that advice, me, Calvin.”

Kara smiled and quietly giggled at her newly found, handsome friend and began to respond but heard,

“Kara Fredrickson? Please come forward, state your age, prior experience, and school of study.”

Kara boldly stepped forward and responded, “Hi, I'm Kara. I'm twenty years old, I have been a background dancer in Wicked, Chicago, and Hairspray, I study at Julliard and I am also taking acting classes at NYU.”

With the producers cue to begin, she started her dance with intense passion that was matched only by finesse and grace. When she finished, she felt a sense of victory and had the crazy thought that her time to shine might be now.

Maxine was in shock after seeing Kara dance and was quick to share her judgment, “Ms. Fredrickson? Kara, was it? I’m afraid that your dancing lacked a certain technical edge that we are looking for in this show and after seeing you, we are putting you on standby. There is no need for you to stay; we will inform you later tonight of our decision. However, we ask that you please prepare yourself for disappointment.” As if the impetuous words exiting her mouth weren’t weapon enough, she shouted, “NEXT!”

Calvin cringed as he heard the harsh words protruding out of Maxine’s mouth. He didn’t think that her straw-like black hair, brooding brown eyes, and pale ivory skin entitled her to behave like a stereotypical witch. How could she be so blind to Kara’s raw and flawless talent? Her technique was immaculate and far better than any of the stiff and flimsy dancers that had preceded her. He thought about making a scene, but controlled his burning anger and replaced it with desire; the desire to be the best dancer in the room, and to prove that if he left New York, it would suffer without him. He flew across the room nailing every trick perfectly, feeling confident he was the guy for the part. In the midst of one of the simplest leaps in his routine, he crashed to the floor and felt his knee shatter, as if mirroring his dreams. His face turned a shade of gray that revealed his utter disappointment and remorse. The only sound perforating through the room was collective shock. Calvin looked at the polished, hardwood floor below him, completely oblivious to physical pain, preoccupied by the emotional. Suddenly, from behind, he felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see Kara; she must’ve stayed to watch him. Expecting tear-stained cheeks and regret in her eyes, he found only a selfless smile that reflected no disappointment or shame. She grabbed his hand and pulled him to his one operating leg, she supported the other side and stood waiting for him to do the one thing he would never be able to do again, take a bow.

Kara excused herself from the studio and helped Calvin out, she left him supported on the railing of the steps and called a cab, a skill she was becoming quite proficient in. Once the cab pulled over, she hurriedly helped Calvin in, “Take us to the nearest hospital, as fast as you possibly can, please.”

While the emotion would not be expressed beyond her cold glare, Maxine was impressed. Kara was an even better dancer than she had first thought, and her charisma and grace had proven remarkable. Maxine didn’t feel bad about how rough she had been with her, that was her personal technique to see if she could handle criticism, and obviously she could. Even more than her star quality, Maxine was impressed by her selflessness; her ability to help someone else up after she had been knocked down. Kara was her girl, and she would be calling her in the soon-coming hours.

Suddenly, as she began to address the situation, a phone began to ring. She looked down and recognized it as her own; she felt an urgency to pick it up. “Hello? Yes, this is she. Who are you? How did you get my number?" Suddenly, Maxine’s eyes grew wide in astonishment and an eloquent gasp fought its way through the prison of her lips. The atmosphere of the room turned grim as her facial expressions transformed from shock, to worry, and finally to terror. She hung up the phone and addressed the room with a reluctant tone, “I’ve just received a call from the hospital. Calvin Dobbs and Kara Fredrickson were just in a severe car accident and were killed on impact.”

A moment of realization hit the room like a ton of bricks and gasps were released in every tone. Maxine shifted her gaze around the room noticing a look of relief on somes faces; obviously they knew Kara would be given the part. Maxine was disgusted at a certain sense of relief that clouded the room, but the realization of the truth resonated in her heart. Selflessness meant complete sacrifice of the self, something that Kara believed until the moment she died.

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