On Her Death Bed | Teen Ink

On Her Death Bed

March 31, 2014
By GalluE BRONZE, Brookline, Vermont
GalluE BRONZE, Brookline, Vermont
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On Her Death Bed

Close to the end of the work day, Judy works hard to finish her work in the bakery. She is dark skinned, and other then that flour on her face she shines. The way her curly hair puffs out, and flows nicely from underneath her hat, you can tell she takes care of herself. Her hands are covered in berries from filling pies all day, and when she finishes filling her last pie she cleans her hands off in the sink, the way you would wash a baby, gently. When she finally finishes making her last pie, that she puts so little effort into making look like prize pies, she slides them into the oven to cook. Now it’s a race of the clock, to clean up and go home. You can tell by the way she cleans that she has done it before, but you can also tell its time for her to end her shift. She does not scrub, she soaks the tables, and floors. Then it’s the dishes that she rushes to washes. She seems to be trying to finish up before the oven timer buzzes, this way all she has to do is put the pies out. Quickly she tidy’s up, so she can punch out and go home to where her mother is on her death bed. She takes pride in her work when she puts those pies out, but right now she just wants to go home. Click is the sound she hears as she punches out, and goes home to her mother’s side.

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