Lost American Memory | Teen Ink

Lost American Memory

July 14, 2014
By Alexandria Dillard BRONZE, Covington, Mississippi
Alexandria Dillard BRONZE, Covington, Mississippi
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I wake at the sound of my alarm clock blaring. Was it really already morning? I sit and rub my aching shoulder. Softball was rough last night. Pitching against the cougers. One word, HARD.

I trudge on some fuzzy boots my dad had sent me last year for my birthday. I couldn't help but smile. He had a note with the package that had said, sorry for the weird pattern. She understood what he moment the moment she pulled the boots from the box.
They were turguoise with neon green stripes and ping zig zags. The boots were truly a piece of art.
I rose and slowly made my way to the kitchen downstairs in my house. My mother quietly made breakfast, while my 2 younger brothers argued over a senseless topic more than likely. I let out a yawn, and sit at the table. Will and Jared, my twin brothers, stopped their arguing and looked at me. "Sasha, what did you think was better? Shadow Dwells or Shadow Dwells 2?" Really this topic again? Will and Jared both loved the Shadow Dwells movies. Jared loved the sequeal, but Will loved the original. They have fighting about this for a long time.

"None of the above." I really did hate those movies. They were like vampire wimps fighting. "How dare you!" My brothers scolded me in one voice. Which was a little weird. "Your sister can think anything she wants too." My mother placed pancakes onto each of our plates, and her own. She sits down and begins to eat. I glared at my brothers and then I take a bite.
When I'm almost done with breakfast, the house phone rings. My mother gets up and answers the phone. I wonder what's going on?

Then my mother seems to go pale all of the sudden. Her hand shakily covers her open mouth. My eyes go wide. Maybe it's about dad. Or even just about someone else in the family.

Mom slowly put down the phone. "Boys go to your room and get ready for school." Will and Jared quickly got up and ran off. "S-Sasha..." Oh no this isn't good. I look at her. She was pale, and her hands were shaking. "why did the twins have to leave?" My question seemed to alert her. "They are both only 7, uh you are older." She sighed and continued. "I-I got a call from your father's branch. He has been injured and his memory is gone."
When I heard that, my whole world stopped. "His memory... Gone?" Tears gathered in my eyes. "But he remembers us right?" He had to remember us. He just had to! "I don't know..." I stand and run to my room. I bury my face into my pillow. My dad that I loved for all these years doesn't know me anymore. I hear a knock at my door. "He is in the hospital if you want to see him." I stare at my mom. "But school." My mother shook her head. "Skip school to go see him." She walks out and closes the door.

I change into some jeans and a silky shirt. I keep the boots my dad sent me and run out the house. The hospital was a short walk from my house, but I ran.

Soon I was at the hospital. I then was directed to his room. Dad was laying in the bed watching a show on television. "Hi." I hope he remembers me. "Hello who are you?" His words felt like thousands of bullets striking me. "I'm Sasha your daughter." He frowned and shook his head. "No I don't know you." Tears begin to gather in my eyes. "But I have your eyes, but mom's face." He still didn't show any reaction that he knew me.
I slowly slid off one of my boots. "Remember this? You sent me these. We would laugh about how crazy they were." I'm crying now. My dad stares at the boot. I bury my face in my arms on the edge of the bed. Then I feel his hand slowly rubbing my head. "Tell me Sasha how's the twins?"

My dad remembered! His memory back! I hugged him tightly. "I love you dad!" I feel him hug me back. "I love you too."

The author's comments:
My father currently goes to Iraq and he has been over in Afghanistan. Every time he leaves I worry that he will come back wounded or not come back at all.
Recently he has been sent home from a head injury and he had trouble with remembering or speaking. So I wondered how it would feel if a girl's dad really did loose their memory.
I hope that readers see how much family means to people, and that you should never give up even a minute with them. Also how much the soldiers risk their lives and fight for us. God bless America!

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