Blow. | Teen Ink


October 2, 2014
By Anonymous

Beep Beep! Beep Beep! Boom!! As bits an pieces of meat and flesh of Jack flew everywhere. My mom begged me not to, but she only begged me because he was paying the bills. Letting her boyfriend beat her kids and rape me just to get him to pay our bills and he’s not just paying our bills just for us to be his punching bags, he’s using her too.

                                                      ~Two years ago~

“Jack! Give me back my Barbie! ,” Abby cried as a stinging feeling came to her face.  “Don’t you ever call me by that name, my name is dad. You hear! ,” as he spat at Abby. As usual, my mom sat across the room like nothing was happening, as always, , but not really because it happened everyday and every time I come to the rescue. “ Why me,” I said under my breath to myself. “ Leave Abby alone!” Everything had gotten so quiet, you could here a pen drop upstairs. He walked slowly towards me. When he does this I try so hard not to look scared, I don’t want anybody to see me weak. I was scared to death. He was so close to my face that you could smell and taste the drugs and alcohol. “What did you say to me? ”Jack said sternly as always.  “I said leave her alone.” I said knowing I was scared but trying not to show that I was. He took his big rough callused hand and swooped me up by my neck and threw me across the room to the ground.


I always feel bad that Jack’s doing this to my kids, and I know they hate me for it. They hate me for not stopping him from beating them, and I’m sincerely so sorry to Taylor, I know she really hates my guts for her to be the one who tries to save the kids all the time, gets the worst beatings, and raped. I know I’m the worst mother ever.


When he threw me across the room it felt like I had been flying forever, but forever has to end at some point and time. Well that time had came, and when it came, I felt great pain an agony all in my back, my side, my neck, my arms…everything! I heard Jack’s footsteps, with his big black, steel toe boots, coming towards me. My vision was blurry so all I saw was a dark shadow what was assumed by me to be Jack’s shoe and leg rising before me and crashing down on my temple, almost crushing my skull. I soon began to loose conscious and the next time I woke up I was on the cold wooden floor in the living room in the dark. As I moved a little side to side, I felt something on both sides of me, it was Abby and Jacob’s little fragile bodies sleeping next to me. I put Abby and Jacob in their bedroom and then lay in mine. As I lay down I began to wonder about my life and how everything for me had been an obstacle course in my life. From being bullied at school and tortured at home. I Began to feel an ache in my stomach so I decided the best way to overthink my pain was eating . As I went downstairs, my body began to give out on me and I couldn’t feel my arm. When I finally looked down my arm was in a contorted position like it had been broke. When seeing my arm I began to panic my body went into deep shock. As I stumbled to get down the flight of steps my body finally gave out. I layed their shedding tears but was too helpless to even scream or make a sound. My mother must have heard me collapse and came to see what the big noise was. She began to cradle me and tell me that everything was going to be alright even though I knew that once Jack arrived home the care and sympathy wouldn’t be their anymore. She began to cry and the salty tears from her pale skin began to drip on my face. I began to question her sincerity maybe thinking that for once she finally cared for me. She picked me up and placed a hot rag on my arm and told me how sorry she was and that we would be leaving Jack’s house by the end of this week. My body began to feel relieved but my heart hurt even more knowing this was just a lie, knowing that I would have to put up with until I was either dead or 18 . I always knew I was fighter I never let Jack get to me after all the beatings, and hurtful words I still kept my head strong. But for the first time I finally had a different feeling, I finally felt like a victim like I meant nothing to know one or nobody. I knew at this moment that stuff had change not form but for my brother and sister. I wouldn’t want this for my little sister. I began to cry not because of the throbbing pain but because of the thoughts that was racing and pounding through mind.  My mother was still talking but by this time I had tuned her out and I finally heard that 1980 Chevy Camaro pull up in the driveway. The Squeak of those rusty brakes put a feeling of fear in me. Looking up I noticed that I wasn’t the only who heard those brakes. My mothers sympathy for me changed fast as I had figured it would. I heard Jack’s boots walking up the wooden steps. Squeak, Squeak. He arrives at my room door. “Get your ass over here!” He yells at my mother. She gets up and surprisingly she finally had my back. She told him to leave and to never come back she didn’t want to see his face anymore. He smacked her and next thing I knew Jack wasn’t having a good day little did we know he had just got fired so his temper was higher then ever before. He began cussing and screaming and next thing I knew a candlestick was thrown at my head, at this point the throb, the ache, all those feeling of hurt, pain, neglect and dishonor all went away. Everything went BLACK, I knew this was the end.



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This article has 1 comment.

feathertail said...
on Oct. 7 2014 at 6:13 pm
feathertail, London, Pennsylvania
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Favorite Quote:
"All around me there are people telling me who I should be. I hate to disappoint you but these are the colours that I see. If there's just as many colours, as there are human beings, maybe I'm just colour-blind and missing out on everything!" -Nano

Sad story but also it was written really well. Keep it up.