Pursuit of Happiness | Teen Ink

Pursuit of Happiness

December 9, 2014
By isela magallon BRONZE, Stockton, California
isela magallon BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

                               Pursuit of Happiness


“Hurry up, we are going to miss the bus.” shouted Chris to his son Christopher as he was getting dressed in a hurry.
“Coming dad,” Christopher shouted back.
“Breakfast is on the table, go eat as I finished getting dressed,” said Chris.
Christopher rushed to the kitchen table to eat his breakfast as his dad finished getting dressed.  As eating his breakfast, Christopher looked at the time and realized he was going to miss his bus that leaves him around the corner from his daycare. Then is when he shouted to Chris “Dad hurry we are going to miss our buss.”

“Almost finished son,” shouted Chris back.
  As Chris was finished getting ready, his wife Delia walked into his bedroom where he was getting ready. She looked at him in a disappointing way. She stood on the side of the door, and just stared at him. Chris looked at her very confused.
“What,” asked Chris.  “We have to pay rent and bills next week, and you haven’t sold any of your machines,” Said Delia.  “I know Delia, I’m trying, I’ve been to most hospitals in San Francisco and all doctors believe my machine is either too expensive or they don’t even bother to take the time and look at it. This machine is worth a lot of money and I know selling one would help us with the rent and bills, but it’s not that easy to sell,” Replied Chris.
“Chris if we don’t have our rent in time we’ll be on the streets. Find a job or a better way to sell those machines. Being a salesman has not helped this family at all,” said Delia, as she walked out of the bedroom and entered the kitchen.
Chris walked out of his bedroom, entered the kitchen, and grabbed Christopher’s arm.
“Come on son, we are going to miss our bus,” said Chris.
Christopher ran up to his mom and gave her a big hug.
Christopher gave his mom a kiss and waved goodbye. After a long bus ride, Christopher was happy to be in day care.
“Have a good day dad,” shouted Christopher
“You too,” Chris shouted back .
Chris took a bus back home. As he walked into the house, Delia had packed all her stuff. 
“What are you doing,” asked Chris.
“I’m leaving,” Replied Delia.
“What about Christopher," Asked Chris.
"I will talk to him when I go pick him up for day care. I promise you he will understand. I’m doing this for me. I can’t keep living like this.We can’t afford our life." said delia .
Chris looked at delia in disappointment. He could not believe what she had been saying to him. Chris himself did not like to live the way he was, but he still got through it.
"I believe i should take our son with me. The job that i am being offered pays me a lot more than we will ever make here. and our son needs to have a life where he can study and he can have fun with no worries," said Delia.
"You can leave,but you are not taking our son. our son needs a father. He needs me," said Chris.
Delia looked upset as Chris was saying this to her. But she knew leaving her son here would be the wrong because Chris has no job and no type of money besides the one in the bank.
"This conversation has no point to it, my son is staying with me.I will find a job and i will take care of my son,"said Chris.
"Take good care of him," said Delia.
Later on that day, Chris did his everyday routine and tried selling his machine, as usual Chris did not sell any machines.
That afternoon Delia picked up Christopher , she had told him she was leaving, Christopher teared up he asked his mother " why?" Delia replied with "For the better."Christopher did not understand but he would as he grew older.
The next morning, Christopher woke up and realized his mother was gone.him and his dad were now on their own. Chris and Christopher both did their everyday routine , this went on until the end of the month.
As waking up on a early saturday morning, Chris and Christopher woke up to loud banging on the front door. " Wheres my money!" shouted the house owner. Chris opened the door and said " look i don't have the money right now, can you please give me until next month and i promise you i will have the money. "Fine,but if you don't have it by next month , you're out." said the home owner.
" Lets get ready son," said Chris.
"Where are we going,"said Christopher.
" There a training starting this afternoon for a prestige company, this could be our big chance son, we might just be able to live the life we always wanted," said Chris.
" Okay dad,"said Christopher.
So every day of the month Christopher went to daycare, as Chris was in training for the prestige company, forgetting about his machines, by the end of the month Chris had forgot he had to pay rent .
"You can come back when you have the money," said the home owner.
Chris and Christopher were now out in the streets, it got dark and Chris had no place to take his son to sleep.
They quickly ran into the bathroom of the subway, Christopher fell asleep. Someone started knocking on the door, in tears, Chris covered Christophers ears so he would not wake up and realize he had fallen asleep in the mens bathroom in a subway station.
Before Christopher woke up,Chris got him out of the mens bathroom as quick as possible.
“ Woah! where did we sleep dad,” said Christopher as he woke up to the loud sound of the subway trains.
“Before you had woken up, i brought you here so we could have a quicker way to take you to daycare, while i go to training for the prestige company i was telling you about,” said Chris.
“Oh, okay dad.We should now hop on that train and get going,” said Christopher.
Getting off the train, Christopher looked at the time on his father's watch and realized he still had 1 hour till he had to be at his daycare.
“Dad can we go get breakfast,” asked Christopher.
Chris had no money to take his son to get breakfast.He had no way to tell Christopher that he had no money to take him to breakfast.
“Some other time son,” said Chris.
Christopher looked very upset, but happy because at daycare they give him snacks.
“C’mon lets get going then dad,” said Christopher.
After dropping Christopher off at daycare, Chris went to his training at the prestige company.After training, Chris went to a hospital near by and showed his machine to a doctor.
“What is it,” asked the doctor.
“ Its a portable bone density machine,” said Chris.
“Can we test it out,” asked the doctor.
Chris turned on the bone density, the doctor was very amazed with what the machine could do.
“ I’ll take it!” said the doctor.
The doctor signed a check of $750. In delight, the doctor gave Chris the check.Chris walked out the office very happy, the first thing he did with the money was find an apartment were him and Christopher could sleep in while the money lasted.
Chris found an apartment only as couple blocks away from the company he is training for.The apartment was very old and very smelly, but it was the only thing Chris could afford. with the rest of the money left over he put it in his bank account.
later on that day Chris went to pick up Christopher from day care. he took christopher for ice cream, and after ice cream to the new place they would call home.
“Is this our new home.” asked Christopher.
“Yeah son.” replied Chris.
The next day Chris sold another machine to a new doctor. Chris put that money in the bank, for emergencies.
At this point Chris began to believe life was going good for him and his son.Everyday while Christopher was at daycare,Chris would be in training for the prestige company.After a long day at training and a long day at daycare , Chris and Christopher would go to the park and after the park they would go get ice cream.
At the end of the month, when it was time to pay rent, Chris went to the bank to take out money.
“You cant do this, i have a son to take care of. He needs a place to sleep.” said chris to the lady from the bank .
“Im sorry sir, the governor took your money because you owe a lot of money to the city.” said the bank lady
“I’ve worked hard for this money you can't just take it all away!” shouted Chris.
“Im very sorry sir.”replied the bank lady.
Chris stormed out the bank, he had tears in his eyes.He had worked hard for that money.Chris picked up Christopher from day care, they walked to the apartment that they had been staying at.
“Take all your stuff we have to go.” said Chris.
“Why?” questioned Christopher.
“Because i said , now get all your stuff and lets go!” shouted Chris.
Christopher got all of his stuff and they left.
“Where are we going dad?” asked Christopher.
“ I dont know son.” replied Chris.
They walked to a shelter where many of the homeless stayed because they had no place else to go.
“We are staying here today son” said Chris.
The next morning Christopher went to daycare while Chris was in training.
“Friday will be the final test whoever passes will get the full time job.” said Anthony.
Anthony is the VP of the company.
Chris was going through alot in his life right now, he wanted this job very bad for him and for his son.He studied everything he had to know about this test.
After training Chris picked up Christopher from daycare and in a hurry they rushed to the shelter to get a room to sleep. As he would any day until there was no space.
That same week on friday after dropping off Christopher at daycare, Chris rushed to training for the test. As he walked in the VP gave him a book as a cheat sheet.
“The test begins now.” said the VP .
Everyone began, many finished early and fast. But not Chris,he took his time and read every question slowly without even using his book.
The next day as Chris walked into the prestige company, the president of the company took Chris into a room with many other important men from that company and told him he got the full time job.As they told him this the president from the company gave his a check of five thousand dollars.
“Thank you.” said Chris in tears.
He picked up Christopher from daycare and embraced him.
“ Where are we going dad?” asked Christopher.
“To the new place we will for now on call home.” replied Chris .
Chris spend most of the day working, but on the time he got break he began to write stories about his life and how all his hard work was dedicated to his son.
His stories were amazing, and one day he decided to post one on the web.
Many people were amazed by the way he wrote and how he made his story so realistic.
Chris sold his story for  dollars.
He put the money in a safe box that belonged to Christopher.
He told Christopher to save this money so when he got older he would not have to struggle like him and Delia did.
“Dad did you do all your hard work for me? So i could be happy ? I’ve always been happy home or no home.” said Christopher.
Chris just smiled him and grabbed his hand and held it as they both walked home.

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