Birthday | Teen Ink


January 5, 2015
By Courtney Ethell BRONZE, West Des Moines, Iowa
Courtney Ethell BRONZE, West Des Moines, Iowa
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Emily looked at the clock, “Where are they? They were supposed to be here an hour ago,” she mumbled under her breath. She paced back and forth across the wooden floor in the hallway by the front door. Her eyes kept wandering to the clock then back down to the floor.  Worried that something happened she reached for her phone in her back pocket. Just as her hand wrapped around her phone the doorbell rang. She sprinted towards the door and threw it open. Her eyes skimmed over her three best friends Sarah, Jess, and Alexis.
First she looked over at Alexis with her shoulder length dark hair and her striking blue eyes with her petite frame. Emily noticed that Alexis had a new expensive looking jacket on. She realized it was one of the new pieces of clothing that Mrs. Weeks, Alexis’s mother, must have sent her from Italy. Mrs. Weeks was a flight attendant and was always getting Alexis souvenirs from the places she’s visited for work. Alexis was an easy person to get along with and one of those people who went with the flow of things.
Next Emily looked at Sarah, who was the complete opposite of Alexis, with her long blond hair cascading down her back and her deep dark chocolate color eyes. Emily, Jess, and Alexis always had to look up at Sarah because she towered over them. Sarah was the drama queen of their little group and always the person who knew every piece of gossip that could be found in their small Colorado town.
Finally Emily's eyes moved to look at Jess with her fiery red hair, sharp cheekbones and her bright green eyes that flash mischief. Out of all the girls Jess definitely has the roughest life at home with her four younger brothers and her mom working two jobs to help support them. Jess’s dad walked out on her and her mom a few years back and since the Jess has had to grow up faster than the rest of us. 
“Where have you guys been?” Emily exclaimed.
“It’s Sarah’s fault, we would’ve been her a while ago if she didn’t think she had to look perfect every time she goes out in public,” grumbled Jess.
“Excuse me for not wanting people thinking I’m a slob!” said Sarah
“Whatever,” said Jess as the group of girls moved through the door and traveled through the long hallway. As they walked into the living room they all sat in their regular spots. Jess and Alexis on the couch, Sara taking up the love seat and Emily sitting on the floor at the end of the love seat.
“Okay, time to get down to business,” Emily said.
“Em calm down it’s only a birthday party,” Sarah said calmly.
“I know but this the twins first birthday party since our parents got a divorce, and i just want to make them happy,” Emily said sadly thinking about her younger sisters. She knew her father wasn’t coming to the party, she recently got a letter from her father telling her that he was in Arizona and that he wasn’t going to come back anytime soon. The letter also told Emily to wish the twins a happy birthday for him and tell them that he was sorry he couldn’t make it. While Emily was busy thinking about her father, the room was silent with nobody knowing how to respond to that.  
“We’ll just have to make it the best birthday party they've ever have,” said Alexis.
“We better start setting up then. You’ve got everything ordered and they’re on their way right?” said Sarah. Her eyes lit up with happiness as she imagined how excited the twins will be.
“Yep, and you made sure to get all the invitations sent out, Jess?,” Emily said.
“Yeah,” Jess said in her usual one worded answers.
“Alright lets start to set up than before Mom gets home with the twins,” said Emily. They all went their separate ways, all on a mission to make this the best birthday they could make it.

“Hurry up putting up the last touches, they’re just down the street!” exclaimed Alexis.
“I’m hurrying, I’m hurrying!,” said Emily, “Jess, are you finished with the snacks yet?”
“Yeah, they’re in the kitchen”
“They just pulled in the driveway!” said Alexis jumping out of her spot by the window and moving into the living room. “Sarah get your butt in here,” she yelled.
“I’m here,” Sarah said rushing into the room with the white frosting she was using to make cover the cake in, on her nose. As soon as Sarah got into the living room they could hear the front door open and three pairs of feet walking down the hallway. In walks Mrs. Johnson and the twins. The twins faces lit up with happiness.
“Happy birthday,” they all shout. The twins face’s went to surprised then back to happiness. 
“This was so nice of you girls,” said Emily’s mom.
“It was Emily’s idea we just helped set everything up,” said Sarah. Both of the children ran to Emily and threw their arms around Emily’s waist.
“you the best sister in the entire world. Thank you thank you thank you,” they both said at the same time. They both looked at Emily with large smiles on their faces and repeat “Thank you Emily.”

The author's comments:

I hope people learn that just because something bad happened in life you can't let them get in the way of enjoying the good things

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