The Untamed Spirit | Teen Ink

The Untamed Spirit

January 13, 2015
By Anonymous

 A fire was lit inside of her, stroked and prodded by her own dreams and wishes. The fire consumed her whole, nipping at her fingertips with its selfish pleasure. It begged to go; to escape and wander, to feel the world rushing beneath her feet. She did its bidding in the best way she could, but still, it licked at her, pleading for freedom and liberty.

It all became too much. The girl could not handle the passion the inferno piled on her; for she was fragile and weak facing such a mighty blaze. Her footsteps, so gallant and true, became nothing more than strikes in the sand, and her breath, so pure and innocent, became tainted by the fire within.

It became irate, and forced the girl to resort to other methods to complete its command. It burned her with its fervor and scalded her with its ardor, charring the very insides of her soul. The girl implored the conflagration, explaining her pain and ache, but the fire did nothing but sear itself against her wrists.

It whispered of its desperation, and the lengths it would go to be unleashed. She was frightened of the power she held, afraid of the way the fire made her react. Her wrists were bloodied by the inferno’s will. Her ribs and shoulders prodded through her skin, which had become sallow and gray. Her hair came out in clumps and her teeth yellowed and brittle.

  Still the fire pushed; requesting her to perform massive feats against her own body, requiring her to perform self mutilation and exploring the lengths she would go to diminish the fire’s intense fury.  The inferno became colossal and its absolute fervor began to leak through the girl. She questioned the conflagration, timid in her words, and begged to be released.

She wanted freedom. She was terrified of the inferno, the way it crawled along her spine, carving words of inadequacy into her very being. She did not want the cruel words soaking into her skull, a manifestation of emotions and thoughts.

It taunted her, reminding her of the dreams she held and the wishes she desired. It played her with heart, licking it with the flames of passion, and igniting her very soul. With her arms ablaze and her spirit overflowing with vigor, the inferno led her to the purest freedom of all.

The author's comments:

This piece is intense. 

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 22 2015 at 9:23 pm
kimberlyguzmanx SILVER, Holbrook, New York
5 articles 0 photos 35 comments

Favorite Quote:
The next chapter in your life, will always be more interesting than the last..

Hands down one of the best writings with such profound use of imagery, goes on and on. It was deep, intense, scary even, but you made it work so well. Good job!