Medication | Teen Ink


March 1, 2015
By Anonymous

The frost on the window made it almost impossible to stare out to the snow filled yard. With the warmth of the hot air blowing from the black vents, I remember sitting there with one of the blue wool blankets wrapped around my body. It only increased the drowsy feeling, but my mind won't let me sleep, not with the medication backfiring on me. It caused me to stay up for a total of thirty-two hours and sene minutes. I stared at the window blankly. It's so frost covered for the current temptature. It isn't below twenty degrees outside, right?
My eyes tra veled to the right at the woman with blonde shoulder length hair and the same sky blue orbs as me. Years of worry dotted her face making it age ten years.
"You took your medicine, didn't you?"
I didn't say a single word. There is nothing to say besides that I wouldn't do it again. It wouldn't be truthful, but it's just what she wanted to hear.
"Please stop taking it." she begged, "It's messing you up."
"So?" I finally said, "What if, I want to mess myself up? It makes everything disappear. It dulls the pain, and I feel better."
"You look awful."
"I don't care."
"Malcolm, I think it's time that we have a little talk."
My mom sat on the floor while placing a hand on top of my right knee.
"I think it's time that you stop listening to that doctor. All he wants is the money that will come from putting you on that stupid drug."
"Isn't that like every doctor out there?"
She squeezed my knee lightly.
"Please promise me that you won't take it anymore."
"But I'll start-..."
"I rather you randomly fall asleep than skip days of sleep."
"Are we cool?"
"Yeah, man."
"I think you should go to your room and sleep."
I shoved my feet on the smooth kitchen floor before pushing myself up. My eyes went to my mom.
"Goodnight Malcolm, sweetie."
"Night mom."
"Sweet dreams."
I nodded my head in agreement. It's all I can do as I head across the kitchen into the hallway towards my room.

The author's comments:

I originally wrote this after my own experience with a medication that didn't help me. The medication turned me into a zombie that couldn't sleep all that well at night, and one day, my mom told me that she thought I shouldn't take the medication anymore because she could tell it was hurting me. I stopped taking the medicine then the next (last) time I saw the doctor that put me on it, I told him that I was no longer taking the medication. He gave me a weird look, but after much talking (arguing really), he took me off it. It's been almost three years since I got off the medication, and I am still suffering from it.

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