Responsibility is a Key | Teen Ink

Responsibility is a Key

March 18, 2015
By Beers_96 BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
Beers_96 BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Ambition will lead to success"

Responsibility is a Key

Since day one on this earth our parents had begun to raise us and allow us to succeed in life by doing so. As we were in our youth years around the age of three or four years old we’ve been aware of something called responsibility. Responsibility is something that will be with you until the day you no longer are alive. It’s a main key of life to have, without it you are destined to be unsuccessful. I believe that having responsibilities is a way of life and a direct path to success.
To be able to have responsibility no matter what it is for, is a gift. It can be a lesson to you that you could forget about tomorrow or keep with you the rest of your life. Parents, people who proceeded to allow you into their lives to keep blood line going and to begin a family. They’ve had responsibilities since the first day you were created, such as the mother quitting risky or ignorant hobbies like smoking cigarettes, drinking, drugs, dangerous social activities, possibly even their position at their jobs, every action will have a consequence, good or bad. I believe that once you become at the age able to absorb things from parents is when you should start to have responsible actions and activities. When I was around four or five years old I had a few things I had to do around the house or yard almost every day. Things like keeping my room clean, cleaning after myself if I made a mess, or if I left toys outside in the tiny pool or in the grass I’d have to make sure I would pick those up so they aren’t ruined somehow. As we grow up we are exposed to the ways of life and life itself is a responsibility. Going from child to teenager our responsibilities will most likely double, or for some possibly triple. Parents start to let you find out “Everything’s not handed to you on a silver platter; you have to earn what you get.” My mom always told me that and I learned real quickly after I started getting less presents on holidays or wouldn’t get less than half the things I would “want”. You gain a few more years and soon you get a car and have to pay for your own gas, oil, sound systems, all the responsibilities hit you fast.
As life goes on more and more responsibilities will pop up. You can learn the hard way if you don’t proceed with your duties. Soon I will be leaving for military purposes and am soon to see responsibility is something that can save another person’s life. In battle I will be responsible for protecting others, risking my own life so others can live theirs. I believe it’s vital to understand that people need these to progress with anything in their lives. “You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” –Abraham Lincoln

The author's comments:

I am an 18 year old male who is soon going to become a US Marine. Responsibility is something I'll be facing once shipped off to basic training in September of 2015.

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