The mystery that took my family | Teen Ink

The mystery that took my family

May 14, 2015
By Anonymous

It is about a cop, Emily Smith, trying to find her sister's murderer.  While she is investigating she is paired up with her boss, Jake.  She soon starts gaining feelings for Jake and eventually she tells him.  They start getting closer to who killed her sister and many other girl, but at the same time Emily and Jake get closer too.

Chapter 1: Emily

It was dark at first.  All I could hear was the ear piercing scream of a young kid near by. 
“Is someone there?”  My voice echoed in the dark and empty… I don’t even know where I was.  Was I in a room?
“HELP ME PLEASE!”  Came the little voice in the distance.  I looked all over seeing nothing but darkness.
“Where are you?  I can’t see anything.”  I called back not sure where the kid was.  I got down on my hands and knees and started feeling around.  Then the pitch black room turned white.  I stood up and looked around, I stopped at a little figure in the corner.  I ran over to see if she was ok.
“Hey, are you…”  But before I could finish what I was about to say she stood up still facing the corner.  I stopped running and waited to see what she was going to do.  Then she started to bend in ways no person should be able to bend.  When I saw her face I froze, too terrified to move.  Her face looked disfigured.  Raw pieces of flesh hung from her face, the pupils in her eyes were dilated to the point that you couldn’t see the white anymore.  There was no skin covering her teeth and her hair was peeling off with her skin.  She started to come towards me.  Still too terrified to move I said,
“P--p--please don’t h--hurt me.”  She started to move faster towards me.  Once she reached where I was she leaped at me.  I sat up in bed sweating bullets.  Kicking off the blankets and going to the bathroom, I washed off my face trying to forget her.  But there is no way to forget a face you dream about every night.  I walked back into my room turning on the fan and laying back down.  I rolled over and looked at the clock.  It was 3:53 am.  I closed my eyes and fell back asleep.
Every Night for two years I’ve had the same dream every day.  Maybe it was because the day before the dreams started my little sister died.  But at the same time I wouldn't think that is the reason.
The worst part about being a cop is that you never know what you're getting into.  When I got the radio call about a murder I wasn't expecting to see my little sister laying there in a alley with her head bashed and her underwear around her ankles.  She was so young and sweet, why would anyone want to hurt her.  Her death was a bad end of a great year.  We never ended up finding her murderer, we are still on the case and its been about two years.  After my sisters death my boss gave me 5 months to mourn and help out my mom.  My mom ended up dying 2 months later.  The doctor said she died of her heart's reaction to a surge of stress hormones, which is also known as takotsubo cardiomyopathy.    
Today is the two year mark of my sister's death.  Every year I go to the store and get a bouquet of flower and a stuffed animal and go visit her.  I end up being there for three hours talking about how my years been and telling her how the investigation is going. 
“He’s murdered 5 more girls, all the same as you.  He bashed their heads and raped them.”  I start to sob, “H--he won't g--get away with it o--ok.  I love you so m--much.”  I stood up and walked away looking over my shoulder as if shes going to see her again.
I just got back from visiting my sister and it was all ready 6:45 pm.  No one seems to be at the station.
“Hey boss, is there anything new?”  I say while moving towards my desk.
“Yes, we found another little girl.  She was 10 with long blonde hair and blue eyes.”  My eyes shoot up from my desk to look at him, then at the board with all of the pictures of the girls he has murdered so far.  All have the same characteristics and are all the same age.
“Why is he only doing this to girls that all are the same?”  I look back over to him with a questioned look on my face.
“Maybe something happened to someone he knew that looked like that.  Lets go through the records and see if there are any cases that are similar to this one ok.”  I started to get dizzy and nauseous.  I looked up at him, tears streaming down my face.  “Smith do you need to go home?”  I just stared him and didn't say a thing.  “Emily?”  That was the first time he has said my first name, ever.
“No I should be ok.”  Wiping away my tears.  “I want to help catch this bastard.”  I looked down at my computer and started going through old files like he said to do.  Then I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up.  It was Jake, my boss.  While I looked up at him I noticed something I have never noticed before, he has really attractive eyes. 
“If you ever need anything, I mean anything, you can always come to me.”  As he walks to his office I study him.  He is a little taller than me, and has light brown skin.  He is wearing a thin cotton T-shirt, the fabric is tight enough to where you can see a hit of his abs and muscles.  His eyes are the part of him that draw me in, they are a light brown with a hint of beige.  I don't know where this sudden interest came from, but I think maybe its just because i'm lonely.  I look back down at my computer and start to get back to work.  The last thing I need is to have a little school girl crush on my boss.

Chapter 2: Jake

 Emily really should go home, this is not a case I would have her on but she refuses to work on something else.  I like that about her, how she has that fire in her eyes that keeps her going.  I'm just afraid this case might put that fire out.  I walk into my office and sit at my desk.  This case is going no where.  I look up from my desk and look at Emily.  She was transferred here about two years ago.  I’ve always found her attractive, she is about 4 inches shorter then me and has light colored skin. She has a really nice toned body, too.  I think its cool because she has ice blue eyes but dark black hair.

“Boss, I have 15 cases that match the profile.” Emily walks into my office. “I don't know how we are suppose to find this guy?”
“Good question.”  I really just need to find this guy. “Lets finish this tomorrow, Go out to dinner with me tonight will you?”  I look up shocked that I actually said that.
“Sure, what time.” Even more shocked that she agreed to I said,
“8pm, I’ll pick you up.”  She nodded and walked out of my office.  What the f*** just happened?  Did I just really ask her out, and did she really say yes?  I get up and turned off the light in my office.  Walking out to my car I noticed that it was really nice out.  I have a feeling it's going to be a good night.

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