The Boy who cried Were Wolf | Teen Ink

The Boy who cried Were Wolf

May 26, 2015
By Josef BRONZE, Jonesport, Maine
Josef BRONZE, Jonesport, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One day, one kid back in the days of old, kept having nightmares of being chased down and eating by a wolf, and got no sleep. The next day the kid was playing around near the woods. He decided to go deeper and deep into the woods, until he saw what looked like a big hairy human being one he got closer to the creature, he saw that it had a snout and a tail. It was a wolf on two feet, standing like a man. The boy cried wolf in hope for help from the nearby woodsman, chopping wood for the winter. The men came rushing in. They kept getting closer, but so didn’t the wolf. The wolf got so close, the kid could feel the fiery breathe of the demon that stood before him. But then the men arrived, and the wolf was gone as fast as it appeared. The men figured the kid was playing a prank on them, trying to waste their time. The same thing happened to the kid three more times, and he cried wolf but no one believed him. The wolf was there right in front of him, but he couldn’t do anything, he defenseless. As the wolf was about to strike the kid heard a gunshot, BANG! The kid woke up in his bed in the middle of the night, the moon just disappeared behind the storm clouds. He also felt sore in his arm. He thought he had slept on it wrong but there was too much pain for that to have been the case. He rolled up his sleeve and saw a gunshot that grazed his skin right in the same spot as the wol

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