The last hope towards freedom | Teen Ink

The last hope towards freedom

May 22, 2015
By brisa368 BRONZE, Canutillo, Texas
brisa368 BRONZE, Canutillo, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was down to my last ten dollars, I had given the guards my money so they would let me pass, only leaving me with ten dollars.At first I panicked Knowing iI almost had no money left but that fear left as i walked down miles and miles of unhabited land. That thought now seemed irrational and absurd.Ive grown tired and thirsty not finding anywhere to satisfy either one.I travel in the night and rest in the day. I know im doing something right because each day that passes I see less and less police vehicles from the north. I think about my family and how I them behind. How I took all their saving and how they are probably imprisioned because of my rebellious behavior.The authorities are making then an example of what is to happen if they disobey. I knew I was selfish but I couldnt and wouldn't stay any longer there. I wanted to know what freedom truly was like. I wanted true happiness for once.I finally get to the gate i assume belongs to the south.Nothing was said about the south back at home only that they were our enemies. I guess thats why I decided to flee because if they were the north's enemy then they had to be good either that or far worse than them.As I look at the gate my vision blurs I am very weak and as a guard approched me I think of the 10 dollars in my pocket. I realize this is the only thing I have to offer them to let me in, all my hopes and dreams in one piece of paper that is crumpled in my pocket. As my hands tremble to reach for the bill I fall to my knees the bill along with me. Ill always remember the concern in his eyes as he picked me up and took me to get help. As he is carrying me I see a sign that says welcome to the south. Only then does a faint smile appear in my face followed my eternal darkness.

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