Dreaming | Teen Ink


June 10, 2015
By Anonymous

A tall, skinny man closed his eyes, leaning against the trunk of an old tree, breathing in the last of the long day. He thought to himself and remembered how much he hated the fall, though had to admit there was something special about the autumn sunsets that nature had to show, even though it wasn't his favorite season. He found himself watching the sunsets every night. With the way things were going in his life, they had a calming effect on him and soothed his sanity.
The season cast an orange haze above the horizon, lighting up the sky as if lit by fire, yet the haze was so crisp and clear. The sun was so large that he felt he could almost grab it, looking at him with a dull glare.
The man knew he had to leave soon. He leaned off from the tree and walked down a grassy hill towards his house. He looked at the sky again noticing how it was as orange as the sun. He closed his eyes once more, the events of the day going through his mind like a reel. By the time he opened his eyes once more, the sun was gone, leaving behind a sea of dark lonely clouds in a twilight sky.
His dad always told him to stop dreaming, but he never listened, like the sun, he knew everyone had their time to shine. And he knew it would someday be the same for him.

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