Unforgettable Day | Teen Ink

Unforgettable Day

July 1, 2015
By Ally4132055 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Ally4132055 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everyday is a war. You will have to take the right or wrong choices to survive or die and only the fighters are the survivors"

On a day like any other, the car kept on going. It seemed to be going at 90 miles per hour. Looking at the sky while listening to my playlist. It was an ordinary day when I had received horrible news. It turned out to be one of the worst days I ever had. Two days earlier, one of my smallest cousin had to have a physical exam. The doctor suspected that my cousin might have cancer in her lungs by her breathing conditions and now all my nerves are rattled as we waited for the final results. Compassion for others is the most important thing that everyone can feel because it makes you realize what you want the most in life, and those things that are more important are not material things, but people.
When my mother and i arrived at the hospital.
My mother said to me “Don’t give me that look of a spoiled girl and let’s go”, I looked at her with this look of do not tell me what to do.
It’s okay” I told her.
We got out of the car and we started walking forward to the main lobby of the hospital. The administrator sent us to the fifth floor, we spent 60 seconds on the elevator. It felt a whole life in just a minute. Heart beating. Blood running through my veins so fast that I couldn't help feeling so nervous.
My mother hugged me tightly and told me “Everything will be alright, don’t worry”and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
I didn’t say anything. As soon as we walked out of the elevator there was too many children, no doubt that they had the same disease that my little cousin had.
I couldn’t handle it, my eyes were watery and i felt a lump in the throat, discreetly told my mother, “Mom, i don’t want to be here, i don’t know, i can’t” she was in a serious mood.
Took two minutes and said “Alyssa, darling, don’t be selfish that we are here for your cousin, please try to feel compassion for them because they’re sick”.
My question was, what is compassion? How could i feel something for them, if i don’t know them?
The clock seemed to go slow, hours, hours and hours had passed until the waiting room was empty.
Now that has been one year that my little cousin was diagnosed with lung cancer. Although she’s still in treatment, I continued on visiting her at the hospital. The last time I went to see her, I remember that her eyes seemed to be shinier than ever, I even could see brightness and the light of hope in her beautiful eyes. I truly enjoyed seeing her reading her favorite book and asking questions about her doubts of life. It’s depressing. It’s a horrible feeling, honestly I felt a huge pain in the chest and the only way that it could go away was by crying. Compassion for others is the most beautiful emotion you can feel when you are having a hard time in life. And that means to “Be kind to everyone you meet even if they’re fighting a harder battle” said plato once. Honestly it's true, because be compassionate it can benefit you to be a better caring person and people would appreciate and remember that forever.
Now i realized that it doesn’t matter if a relative of yours was inconsiderate with you, they will still be family and the only thing you could do is love them for what they are, even with all their defects and should feel compassion and support them is the best way it can help their status condition. There’s still hope that someday they will change their way of behavior around people and realize what they were doing was wrong. And now that I opened my mind to see myself in the future to work as a pediatric oncologist. I’m decided to help other kids who are fighting a battle and give them the light, the hope that they will need to survive the whole process of life. Feeling compassion would let us support them better.

The author's comments:

The inspiration of this writing piece was my lovely family and a special friend who past away. I hope people can learn how important it is to be compassionate to others because it benefits whomever in the good and bad moments. Also to care about the people they love before is too late.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 15 2015 at 3:27 pm
Summerstar SILVER, Clinton, Utah
9 articles 1 photo 35 comments

Favorite Quote:
“For he shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you in your ways. And they will bear you up in their hands…” Psalms 91:11-12

"Be kind to all, for everyone is fighting a hard battle." So true, a beautiful story to something that I can personally relate to. Excellent descriptions of emotion and the reality of how hard these kinds of things can be, keep writing.