"Troy's Hunt" | Teen Ink

"Troy's Hunt"

October 30, 2015
By amimahon BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
amimahon BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The sun wasn’t even visible out of the east sky. Streaks of orange ran across the sky. The snow covered the valley with a soft yet fierce blanket. The cool,crisp air was still, as the mountains formed a deep,dark shadow over the still valley. Snow crunched behind Troy as he hung his rifle next to him in his tree stand. About two miles away Troy could hear his parent’s grandfather clock striking 6:30 AM.

Troy was twelve years old and hunting his last day of his first deer season. Neil, his older brother had his bow,and he was in the treestand. The sun was slowly rising out if the eastern sky; reflecting a pinkish, orange color off of the snow.
Troy checked his wristwatch, 6:50 AM, “It’s light enough to shoot.’’ he observed 
“You’re right,” agreed Neil.
The two boys heard a steady crunch on the snow to the right of them in the field.
“Don’t move”
Neil slowly drew back his bow; thuwmp the arrow had gone right through the ten point buck that Troy and Neil had been hunting all season.
“Yessss!’’ whispered Neil.
“Be ready Troy there might be a doe with it,’’
Neil waited 15 long countless minutes to get out of the stand.  
“I’m going to get the 4-wheeler and drag the deer back to the house.”
“Okay take your time.”
Troy heard his parents cars leave for work,then he heard the 4-wheeler slowly start up; it whinned worse than a baby when Neil brought it out into the field before letting it warm up. Neil attached the massive deer to the hitch that reflected the sunlight right into the scope of Troy’s 30-06.  Neil drove away with the cow-sized deer.
It was muffled but audible; Troy reached for his binoculars and looked to where he thought the yell. When he was looking through the binoculars he realized the 4-wheeler had stopped and he knew Neil wasn't back home yet. He looked on the path and a pitt bigger than the sun fell in his gut. He saw a wrecked 4-wheeler and no deer on the back of it. Troy knew it was Neil.
Troy climbed down out of stand; he snuck out to the side of the path.
Troy stalked down to where the wreckage was. Troy felt the pit deepen and get even bigger in his stomach.
“Neil is in trouble; I have to find and help him.”
Troy was thinking … Neil had been acting really strange lately going out at 12:30 AM and coming back in around 4:45 AM. He had not the same Neil he always was. Troy looked around he saw two men about a half mile away; Troy picked up his  binoculars and saw those two men carrying a black bag it seemed like it was big enough to fit a small ball of Neil. Troy slowly and carefully snuck out to the barn. Troy looked for a sign of struggle he found it blood,footprints everywhere,an imprint of a body or so it seemed.  Troy looked inside the barn and saw a deer hanging in the center of the barn. Troy almost fainted the sting in the air was colder than the arctic when the wind whips faster than 110 mph.
Troy looked in the window again; he saw no sign of Neil
“What are you doing,”
“I uh um I uh”
“What is your name?”
“Would you like to come inside and see the deer?”
“Sure,but first can I ask you a question?”
“ Sure.”
Another guy came out of the barn; it was Albert the owner of the house and barn.
“ How you doin Troy?”
“Albert have you seen Neil? He shot a buck early this morning and he was driving it back on the 4-wheeler and now the 4-wheeler is tipped over and the deer is gone.”
“ No Troy I haven’t seen him sorry.” 
Troy went inside and looked at the deer.
“ Holy crap that dwarfs the one Neil shot and that's the one we had been seeing all season.”
“I hadn’t seen this one before this morning.”
“ I know Albert congrats, I have to go find Neil though.
Troy went back to where he thought the 4-wheeler had crashed. It was not there. Troy threw up, something bad was happening here and he was scared for Neil. Troy heard a 4-wheeler coming and he jumped into the bushes. Neil drove by on the 4-wheeler.
Troy jumped out of the bushes.
“Neil where were you?”
“I was dragging the deer back to the house; I wrecked the 4-wheeler though.
“OH you really scared me.”
“It doesn’t matter I’m fine.”
“You want to go get back in that stand?”
“Yeah let's do it.”
They took about two steps and a doe walked across the path.
“Whack it Troy!”
The sun wasn’t even visible out of the east sky. Streaks of orange ran across the sky. The snow covered the valley with a soft yet fierce blanket. The cool,crisp air was still, as the mountains formed a deep,dark shadow over the still valley. Snow crunched behind Troy as he hung his rifle next to him in his tree stand. About two miles away Troy could hear his parent’s grandfather clock striking 6:30 AM.

Troy was twelve years old and hunting his last day of his first deer season. Neil, his older brother had his bow,and he was in the treestand. The sun was slowly rising out if the eastern sky; reflecting a pinkish, orange color off of the snow.
Troy checked his wristwatch, 6:50 AM, “It’s light enough to shoot.’’ he observed 
“You’re right,” agreed Neil.
The two boys heard a steady crunch on the snow to the right of them in the field.
“Don’t move”
Neil slowly drew back his bow; thuwmp the arrow had gone right through the ten point buck that Troy and Neil had been hunting all season.
“Yessss!’’ whispered Neil.
“Be ready Troy there might be a doe with it,’’
Neil waited 15 long countless minutes to get out of the stand.  
“I’m going to get the 4-wheeler and drag the deer back to the house.”
“Okay take your time.”
Troy heard his parents cars leave for work,then he heard the 4-wheeler slowly start up; it whinned worse than a baby when Neil brought it out into the field before letting it warm up. Neil attached the massive deer to the hitch that reflected the sunlight right into the scope of Troy’s 30-06.  Neil drove away with the cow-sized deer.
It was muffled but audible; Troy reached for his binoculars and looked to where he thought the yell. When he was looking through the binoculars he realized the 4-wheeler had stopped and he knew Neil wasn't back home yet. He looked on the path and a pitt bigger than the sun fell in his gut. He saw a wrecked 4-wheeler and no deer on the back of it. Troy knew it was Neil.
Troy climbed down out of stand; he snuck out to the side of the path.
Troy stalked down to where the wreckage was. Troy felt the pit deepen and get even bigger in his stomach.
“Neil is in trouble; I have to find and help him.”
Troy was thinking … Neil had been acting really strange lately going out at 12:30 AM and coming back in around 4:45 AM. He had not the same Neil he always was. Troy looked around he saw two men about a half mile away; Troy picked up his  binoculars and saw those two men carrying a black bag it seemed like it was big enough to fit a small ball of Neil. Troy slowly and carefully snuck out to the barn. Troy looked for a sign of struggle he found it blood,footprints everywhere,an imprint of a body or so it seemed.  Troy looked inside the barn and saw a deer hanging in the center of the barn. Troy almost fainted the sting in the air was colder than the arctic when the wind whips faster than 110 mph.
Troy looked in the window again; he saw no sign of Neil
“What are you doing,”
“I uh um I uh”
“What is your name?”
“Would you like to come inside and see the deer?”
“Sure,but first can I ask you a question?”
“ Sure.”
Another guy came out of the barn; it was Albert the owner of the house and barn.
“ How you doin Troy?”
“Albert have you seen Neil? He shot a buck early this morning and he was driving it back on the 4-wheeler and now the 4-wheeler is tipped over and the deer is gone.”
“ No Troy I haven’t seen him sorry.” 
Troy went inside and looked at the deer.
“ Holy crap that dwarfs the one Neil shot and that's the one we had been seeing all season.”
“I hadn’t seen this one before this morning.”
“ I know Albert congrats, I have to go find Neil though.
Troy went back to where he thought the 4-wheeler had crashed. It was not there. Troy threw up, something bad was happening here and he was scared for Neil. Troy heard a 4-wheeler coming and he jumped into the bushes. Neil drove by on the 4-wheeler.
Troy jumped out of the bushes.
“Neil where were you?”
“I was dragging the deer back to the house; I wrecked the 4-wheeler though.
“OH you really scared me.”
“It doesn’t matter I’m fine.”
“You want to go get back in that stand?”
“Yeah let's do it.”
They took about two steps and a doe walked across the path.
“Whack it Troy!”

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