Scar Story | Teen Ink

Scar Story

November 16, 2015
By Anonymous

“I can’t wait to be on the airplane!” I exclaimed . We were waiting for our plane to Malaysia. The waiting room was at the end of the terminal. There was an escalator going down to the room. Seven year old me looked around.
“How long are we waiting for the plane to come?,” I questioned.
“Two hours,” Mom stated.
“Two hoouurrssss?” I whined. I thought of all the things I could be doing in two hours. “Mostly sleeping,” I muttered to myself. It was 1 AM.

Earlier Mom had woken me up from a deep slumber to get to the airport. My sister, Julie, also going with us. She fell asleep on the way. I had to put up with her deafening snoring. I tried to turn my head away from her snoring. My sister snorted. I poked her comatose body to get her to stop snoring. I gave up and looked at the blinking lights rushing by. I thought about the fact that soon we would be taking off to a far away place on the opposite side of the world. 

Mom was checking her email on her ipad. My eyes swept the room. There was nothing to entertain myself with. Maybe the escalators?
“Mom, can I have the ipad,” I gave her a look that I hoped looked innocent.
”Yes, after I check my email and Facebook,” Mom explained.
“But that will take FORREEVEER,” I complained.
My mom gave me a stern look. I walked to a kid who did have an ipad and looked over his shoulder.

After a while an announcement came on the speaker system. “Terminal A, Gate 11 is now boarding first class,”  announced a voice. Julie came over. “Time to go!!” Julie stated. We walked over to mom. “Where were you!” She said. “I was looking at a person play a game on his ipad,” I answered. “Don’t wander off again!” she exclaimed. When economy class was called, we hurried onto the plane. As we departed from the terminal,  the safety video started playing. I looked outside at the blinking lights in the darkness. The airplane taxied to the runway. As we lifted off, the lights turned off and my mom started snoring. I looked at the lights of the city as the plane ascended into the clouds.

It was two weeks into the vacation in Malaysia. My mom said that Malaysia was hot, but I never imagined that it was that hot. I looked at the thermometer. It was 35 degrees celsius or 95 degrees fahrenheit. It was humid too. I walked around in a daze. I needed air conditioning and I needed it fast. I encountered my mom and said, ”It’s too hot!”. She laughed,”It's not that hot!”. “But that's because you’ve grew up here!” I complained. “You will just have to put up with it,” Mom stated. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a cup. I went to a teapot that had boiled water in it (Malaysia didn’t have enough chlorine in its tap water to drink from it directly). I poured the water into the cup and lifted to my mouth. Suddenly, I dropped the cup and it shattered. One of the shards flew and sliced my arm. My mom came running. She looked at my arm and exclaimed,”What happened?!”. I showed my Mom my arm. It has a diagonal cut on my forearm. The cut is a few centimeters deep. It isn’t bleeding or anything. I don’t feel any pain. It just feels numb. That's interesting I think. In the background my mom is calling my uncle. Well, this day is going to be eventful. My uncle arrived and ushered me into a car.

The car was a silver sedan. “How did you get cut?” my mom asked. “I dropped a cup,” I explained. As we rushed to the hospital, I glanced out the window. “You should be more careful! What if your arm gets infected!” Mom  shouted. “Then it would hurt,” I mumbled. “Maybe I should ground you,” my mom continued.  I never believed in grounding because if I get grounded, I usually get bored. When I get bored I usually do something to entertain myself. What I do to entertain myself sometimes isn’t always the smartest thing to do. Like those viral videos online where people try to bounce from their roofs onto their trampoline and into their frozen pools. “It looks pretty deep,” My mom said.  “Yeah,” I agreed. “Maybe you should hold your arm up,” She pondered. We pulled into the hospital parking lot.

The hospital was a drab old building. There were no decorations and only the most basic things were provided. We waited in a small waiting room. It had about seven chairs and a watercooler.  While we waited for the nurse to arrive I looked at the people in the waiting room.The nurse came into the waiting room and called me to a station. on a table near the station, there was a scary array of sharp looking tools. There were a couple of funny looking scissors and a curved needle. A doctor took his place at a table and looked at my arm.
“You cut your arm up?” he questioned.
“Yeah,” I said
“What did you do?”.
“I fell.”
“That’s what they all say,” he informed.
He took the curved needle and looped a plastic thread through it and started stitching with a back and forth movement. It took about 6-7 stitches to close the cut. After he was done stitching, I was lead back to the waiting room to Mom. “How did it go?” She queried. I showed my mom the stitches. “It feels weird!” I exclaimed. “Come on, let's get back to the car.”

The author's comments:

This is story is about when I was four and got cut by a shattered cup.

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