Jackson | Teen Ink


November 18, 2015
By writingislove_ BRONZE, Stafford, Virginia
writingislove_ BRONZE, Stafford, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sarah walked slowly up the stairs to the third level of the trauma center building. As she opened the door and began walking her way to the room, she tried not to look on her right or left. No patient had a closed door and everything was open for her eyes to see. Sarah’s cousin squeezed her hand but wasn’t sure if it was for her reassurance or her cousins own.
As they made it to the room, Sarah closed her eyes and took deep breaths through her mouth while mentally counting to ten. She looked over at her cousin, Melissa, to see her already looking at her.
“You ready?” Melissa barely whispered.
Sarah shook her head yes as her feet didn’t move. Melissa gave a slight tug on Sarah’s hand, as they made their way into the room. Sarah’s eyes quickly looked away from the person lying in the hospital bed.
The patients whole face and brain was swollen to the point where any person wouldn’t be able to tell what it was. Sarah looked back over to see him hooked onto many different machines. She could only identify three of them being a feeding tube, breathing machine, and a monitor for his heartbeat and blood pressure. The only reason Sarah knew the patient was a 17 year old boy was because he was her cousin.
Sarah advanced forward and sat down next to his bed. Her hand reached out towards his but withdrew at the last second.
“Hey Jackson. It’s me, Sarah.” Her voice was thick with tears and she cleared her throat a few times.
Jackson’s fingers moved slightly and tears began to fall down her face like a summer downpour.
“I love you,” Sarah managed to choke out before quietly but quickly leaving the room.
She sped walked down the hall to the nearest bathroom and let go of the sobs that was caught in her throat. Her bottom touched the cold tile floor as she pulled her knees pulled to her chest, resting her head against it. Her heart ached as if it was actually breaking apart. Sarah soon felt a familiar pair of arms wrapped around her, the other persons thigh and knee touching her own.
“It’s not fair,” Melissa said in a hushed tone, heartbrokenly.
Sarah nodded her head in agreement and looked up at Melissa, wiping her nose on her sleeve.
“Is he...is he going to make it?”
Melissa nodded her head slowly, reassuring herself.
“If he’s able to move a slight bit when he should be paralyzed, he’s going to make it. He’s strong but we have to be also.”
Sarah slowly nodded.
“You’re right.”
“Come on. Let’s go take a walk outside.”
Melissa got up first before helping her cousin up. They made their way back downstairs, taking the elevator that time.
“We’re all going to be ok,” Sarah whispered to herself as they exited the building, starting their walk in a comfortable silence.

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