Invisible Girl | Teen Ink

Invisible Girl

December 12, 2015
By Grace166 BRONZE, New Castle, Indiana
Grace166 BRONZE, New Castle, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"It's not about the inside it's about the outside."

My name is Faith but sometimes I don't even know who I am anymore. I am 13 years old and go to Greenwood Middle school. In school I get left out a lot people rarely notice me. Intill one day it all changed.
   "Come one honey or you will be late for school!" mom yelled from downstairs. "Coming!" I answered back. I grabbed my books and went downstairs. "You ready?" mom asked. "Ya... I guess." I studdered. So we got in the car and drove to school. "Have a good day at school." mom said kissing my head. "Ya whatever." I rolled my eyes. I went to my locker to put my books away when I saw a girl getting beat up. "You little....." the girl fighting started to say. "Okay that's enogh break it up!" the princible yelled. I ran to my locker because I was so scared.
   The firt period bell rang just in time. I went to my english class on the second floor. "Okay class get turn to page 324 in your english book please." the teacher said. I don't really pay attention much in englich class. School is not really a thing for me. Time went by fast it was time for lunch already. I usually sit in the corner and eat by myself at lunch.

  Like usual people bump into me and don't even notice me. I wish I was popular and had friends. But you know I am to ugly so people don't like me. I always cry myself to sleep every night. By the end of school my mom was waiting outside in her car for me. "Did you have a good day at school?" mom asked. "No not really." I answered. "Why whats wrong?" mom quetioned. "It's nothing people thats just all." I said. "You know I was a lot like you when I was your age." mom said trying to cheer me up. "Ya I know you tell me your story everyday, can we go home now?" 

"Ya sure." mom said while driving. 

   When we got home I went upstairs to do my homework. "Are you hungry?" mom asked while I was running upstairs. "No i'm not hungry!" I yelled. "Okay, love you." mom said. "Love you too mom." I smiled. I fell asleep while crying like every night. I swear sometimes in my dreams I am not invisible. I love it in my dreams I wish I could stay in my dreams forever. I got up and got dressed for school. "Don't be late for school!" my mom yelled. "I won't!" I yelled back. We got in the car and started to drive to school. But something happened a car slamed right into our car.........

The author's comments:

The second one will come out soon. "Invisible Girl 2" 

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 18 2015 at 1:45 pm
Grace166 BRONZE, New Castle, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"It's not about the inside it's about the outside."

I know it's not great but it was my first story. If you would like me to write more just comment. :) I HOPE YOU LIKE IT.