No Use | Teen Ink

No Use

December 15, 2015
By joelle1115 BRONZE, Jakarta, Other
joelle1115 BRONZE, Jakarta, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Margot was a frightened mouse in a cage. She could feel the closet mocking her, squeezing her into the tiny space. The muffled insults and shouts of her friends came like a wave, washing all her confidence away. Then, fueled by desperation, she bashed her tiny frame against the wooden door, but once again thrown back down by the enraged closet.

One minute she was as still as a statue, the next she was a madman pounding wildly on the closet door. The impact and pain of the pounding spread through her body like a raging fire, and the sounds of her own screams pierced her ears.

Then she fell on her knees, no longer trying to escape. Tears fell down her already stained cheeks like children sliding down a slide. She cupped her mouth to cover up the cries, but it was no use. Sobs racked through her body and soon her tears were a rushing waterfall on an isolated island. She pressed her back and huddled in a corner, darkness putting its hands over her eyes.

The author's comments:

This piece was written in response to Ray Bradbury's "All Summer in a Day" and shows what it might feel like to be bullied and all of the emotions that go with it. 

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