Overcome | Teen Ink


January 5, 2016
By Anonymous

     Twenty people every year are killed by horses, which is what made me very conscious of horses. As a child I had a fear of horses because they were so much bigger than me. When I would jump and scream at horses they would not run away like cows did. When my dad and I went to work early in the morning we would have to feed the cows or clean the barn. I like to be around horses now because I have found the good side in them. Last time I saw a horse it was  November,10 my brother and I were unloading hay again and a horse didn't charge at me, maybe because now I'm bigger than when I was six. My fear of horse came from a traumatic event, but could be overcome.
     When I was around six years old, my dad and I going to deliver a bale of hay to a horse farm that had around five horses. On our way, with just my dad and me in the old pickup truck, we pulled into the driveway and my dad opened the gate and he told me to make sure that the horses stayed in the pen, to prevent them for getting loose. (While my dad backed the truck up into the pen to unload the bale of hay.) Realizing that the horse were way bigger than I it made me even more scared of the horses. When I watched the gate a horse came and charged at me and I  jumped and tried to get him to run away and not run out of the gate, so that when I ran out of his way so that I wouldn't get trampled by him . I felt in a box and nowhere to go until my dad jumped out of the truck and scared the horse, after that I always didn’t like the horses because horses were so much bigger than me.
    I overcame my fear of horses because I was around a very nice horse, his name is Cider at the time Cider was very old so today I don’t think he is still alive, although he is (at the time) a miniature horse and he was still bigger than me but not as scary and I always had an adult around when I was around him. I met Cider in preschool, but I got to know him better when I went there to pick up my cousin from preschool. The preschool my cousins and me went to is called Wooden Pony that my cousin and I went to when we were little. I got to ride cider when someone held his lead that was when I learned all about horse and I found out that they were not as scary as I thought and I was just overreacting when that horse charged at me. When my dad and I went to that farm again, we saw the horse and he wasn't as mean to me as he was last thing I saw he he might have been trained more than last time we had seen him. I learned all about horse and how to ride them and how to teach them not to run when you don't want them too but now if I was asked to ride a horse I would have no clue how to ride the horse.
      Now when I see a horse I will pet it and I will like to be around it and i’m not be afraid of the horse. If I could have a horse, I would love to have one but my dad doesn't want to have one because they are very hard to take after because you have to clean their pen everyday. When I am older and I have my own house, I might want to get a horse and make a pen for it and show him in horse shows. I have been very interested in horses ever since overcoming my fear of the horses and I have  always wanted one since. Now looking back, I can’t believe that I was ever afraid of horses because now I see that they are most of the time bright and smart animals.
    When I have my own house, I will be getting a horse. The horse will be a show horse so that my horse and me can go to commotions. I am hoping that when I am older I can get training for a trailer and I can make a pen so that my horse will have another friends. Looking back that those same day I can't believe that I was ever afraid of horse because now I find them bright caring animals. Well most of the time they are bright. I may want to at least have another horse so that my horse doesn't get lonely, I can keep another person's horse with mine so that he won't be depressed or anything. I hope that someday I will be able to afford a hire, because I am very interested in them and they are very fun, cool animals.

The author's comments:

Horses are cool to me now!

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