The Lonely Girl | Teen Ink

The Lonely Girl

December 15, 2015
By Ealvrockz BRONZE, Hemet, California
Ealvrockz BRONZE, Hemet, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ella is a eight year old girl who was born with a slight mental disability which prevented her from being the most popular kid in school. She was born and raised in the small town called Creede in Colarado. She was  very happy and bubbly at home, but when it came to being at school she was very lonely and sad. She got made fun of by other kids, she would be by herself and read quietly at an empty table during recess, and she always wore her hair in a high-side ponytail. She was smart but socially awkward.  She was one of the smartest kids you would've ever met. She has a heart of gold, a smile so pure it would make you forget about all your worries, and she has the kindest eyes. When Ella's teacher, Mrs. Fawn, noticed Ella sitting by herself at lunch and noticed she was being bullied she would have Ella come into her class to eat lunch and hang out. At the end of the day Mrs. Fawn called Ella's mother, Rachel, to tell her what she found out. When she got home Rachel asked her how she felt about school and Ella's response was "school is a sad place mommy, it's not like home" which broke Rachel's heart.
          Rachel talked to her husband about  what Mrs. Fawn had said and and what Ella had said about school and they both thought that getting Ella a pet might help. So the very next day Ella went to the local animal shelter and picked out a small Golden Retriever and took it home with her. When Ella got home she took the puppy into her room and started to play with her and she said "puppy what should I name you? What do you want your name to be? Snowflake? Princess Pie? Cutie? Dot?" And then she heard the dog say "how about Willow? I like that name." And Ella looked shocked and in excitement said "You can talk?" And the dog said "yes" and Ella got up ran to her parents and shouted "mommy look this dog can talk, speak Willow, say your name, say Willow!" And Ella heard the dog say Willow, but all her parents could her was a loud bark. Ella couldn't understand why her parents couldn't hear the dog talk too but she just forgot about it and kept playing with Willow.
     A few weeks later Ella met another eight year old girl, named Ariana, that also had a slight mental disability and she came over to Ella's house and they played outside, watched movies, and then she finally showed Ariana her new puppy, Willow. Ella told Ariana that her dog can talk and Ella said "Willow say your name" and the dog obeyed and Ella said "see can you hear her or can you not? Cause my parents can't hear her either but I know she talks can you hear her, I-"
Then Ariana responds with "wooooah! Your dog can talk that's so cool!" Ella lets out a little scream of happiness and shouts "you can hear her too?!!"

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