50 Years from Now | Teen Ink

50 Years from Now

January 18, 2016
By nikkiperera BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
nikkiperera BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My eyes open and I stare at the ceiling. I flip over and gaze at my husband, grey hair ruffled and sleeping. I climb out of bed and walk to the kitchen. My mug is filled with coffee and I am at peace. I walk towards the balcony overlooking my favorite New Jersey beach. My feet are swift beneath me, gentle on the hard wood floors, as sand would be when kissing skin. I pause to look in the mirror hanging in the hallway. My reflection stares back at me with an aged face, yet eyes filled with life. I grin as I reminisce on my life, both the good times and the bad. I leave the mirror and walk outside, slouching into the white, wooden chair. Breathe in. Breathe out. With that, my husband joins me on the balcony.
  “Good morning, sweetheart,” the other chair creaks as he collapses next to me, sighing. 
  “Oh good morning! I didn’t realize you woke up,” I smiled.
  We analyzed the ocean, watching the dolphins jump in and out of the water. Sitting in his arms, I knew nothing could ruin this moment. I was safe. Every inch of me was guarded by our immense love. Too soon, it seemed, we parted to begin the day. While getting ready to grocery shop for the night ahead, I was interrupted by my phone singing it’s overplayed ringtone.
  “Hello?” I scramble to clip up my tousled hair.
  “Hi Nikki! What are you up to?” my sister, Gianna, responds.
“I’m just getting ready to go run errands,” I grab my purse.
“Okay, I’m just calling to let you know we will have one extra guest tonight at dinner. Your great niece’s boyfriend will be joining us,” she announces.
“Oh, wow! That’s great! I’ll see you and the kids around 5,” I glance at the clock and wave goodbye to my husband.
I head outside and get in the car. My door shuts behind me and the engine starts. As I’m driving, my favorite song begins playing on the radio, Yellow by Coldplay. I smile again, my speakers blaring. Music is my therapy. I park the car, drifting into my thoughts, which become drowned out from the music.
I push my cart up and down the aisles, searching for the brand of cookies my daughter adores. The cart is filled with everyone’s favorites; salad for my husband, spiral shaped pasta favored by my grandson, and the ingredients for mashed potatoes, loved by my great niece and nephew since they were kids. Despite my age, my memory could never deprive me of what makes my loved ones light up with joy.
As I’m paying, I hear a familiar voice. The voice of my friend, Maddie, which I hadn’t heard since her grandson was born.
She sees me and squeals, “Nikki! I’ve been meaning to call you! How are you?”
“Hi Maddie! I’m doing so well. We’re having a family dinner tonight and everyone is coming so, here I am getting everything last minute,” I put my change back in my wallet.
“Oh I’m doing the same thing! The kids are coming over for our 40th wedding anniversary. Can you believe it’s been that long?” she rummages through her bag, pulling out her keys.
“Wow I had no idea. I remember that night like it was yesterday. Congratulations! We’ll have to get together sometime soon, I miss you,” We hug each other tight and the countless memories of our teenage years come flooding back in my head.
“I agree! Sounds lovely.” Maddie waves and turns her cart towards the exit.
At last I leave, groceries in hand, and begin my journey home. Backing out of the parking spot was a challenge, due to the piles of bags obstructing my vision. Once in my kitchen, the cabinets are refilled and the refrigerator is displaying the vivid colors of the produce I just bought. My husband is sitting at the counter. He hugs me and I giggle, as I have since the day we started dating and I realized he was the one.
My cooking was done in only a few hours and after that I got myself ready. Ten minutes later, the doorbell rang in my ears. It was my sister and her children.
“Hello!” Gianna exclaims, handing me flowers.
“Hi everyone!” I embrace her. 
In walked Gianna, her husband, Austin, their two children and their families. I didn’t realize how old they had gotten until my great niece’s boyfriend stood at her side. She gazed up at him with a certain glow I had never seen before. I remember when they were only babies. Where did the time go? Hugs went around and soon enough, the doorbell rang again.  It was my daughters, with their husbands and children.
We all sat around the table and talked. There was much for us to catch up on. I looked around and this feeling of content came over me. The kind of feeling that begged to be shared. On a whim, I arose and tapped the edge of my glass with a knife. The room silenced.
“Hi everybody. I just wanted to tell you all how much I love you. As I got older, I realized the true meaning of life and that is to love. Without love, we would have nothing. Thank you all for everything you do and for joining us tonight. Cheers to our family!” I smiled and sat down.
“Cheers!” echoed everyone in the room. Glasses clinked and everyone laughed. The room glowed even brighter.
That night, as I laid in bed, I could only be grateful.  I am blessed. I am so lucky to live my life and be surrounded by the people I am. Thank you, God, for all my experiences, my struggles, my strength, my blessings, everything. Thank you. With that, I slept, dreaming of lavish, yellow meadows.

The author's comments:

This writing piece is done in the perspective of myself in about 50 years, when I'm a senior citizen.

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