Answering The Call | Teen Ink

Answering The Call

January 21, 2016
By Anonymous

Marley thought to herself that her grandma was just doing this to be nice but her grandma did it for another reason. Perhaps it had blood on it. Marley falls asleep around 10:00 but wakes back up around 2:00 to a loud shrieking noise. She thought it was just her imagination so she goes back to bed. She wakes up the next morning, goes downstairs for breakfast but can’t find her grandparents anywhere. She calls her grandparents on their cell phone and someone picks up.
“Hello.” Marley says into the phone.
All Marley hears is a fairly loud breathing noise on the phone.

Chapter 1: Answering The Call

It is their 20th anniversary so David and Sherri decide to go to the mountains. David and Sherri have been married for 20 years and have a daughter named Marley. Marley is in middle school so she will be staying with her grandparents. Marley doesn’t enjoy staying with her grandparents because she believes they live in a scary neighborhood. When David and Sherri are getting ready Marley keeps bugging them to see if she can stay home alone.
“You’re way too young to stay home alone for this long!” Sherri tells her daughter.
“C’mon mom, grandma's house is scary!” Marley cries.
“You’ll be fine honey.” David replies.
Before they leave David and Sherri got presents for each other so they open those up. David got Sherri a beautiful diamond ring and Sherri got David a new iPhone. They both love their presents and give each other a big kiss.
“Eww gross!” Marley shrieks.
David and Sherri give their daughter a kiss and start heading to her grandparents. They drop Marley off with her grandparents and start their drive to the mountains. To test out his phone, David calls the house phone and someone picks up but doesn’t say anything. David just assumes he called the wrong number because no one should have been at his house. Although Marley’s grandparents are really nice, their neighborhood is just really creepy. Marley lives pretty close to her grandparents and she realizes she forgot her backpack back at home so she decides to walk home. She gets into her house to see that her TV is on. She doesn’t remember leaving the TV on but she doesn't think much of it so she just turns it off. She grabs her backpack and heads up back to her grandparents. When she gets there her grandma gives her a big hug because they were watching the news and they notice that a serial killer is on the loose around them and her grandma was worried about her. Marley gets even more scared when she hears this and runs upstairs.
“Why is my bed unmade?” Marley questions.
“I was just cleaning the sheets for you.” her grandma replies.
“Oh thank you grandma.” Marley responds.
Marley thought to herself that her grandma was just doing this to be nice but her grandma did it for another reason. Perhaps it had blood on it. Marley falls asleep around 10:00 but wakes back up around 2:00 to a loud shrieking noise. She thought it was just her imagination so she goes back to bed. She wakes up the next morning, goes downstairs for breakfast but can’t find her grandparents anywhere. She calls her grandparents on their cell phone and someone picks up.
“Hello.” Marley says into the phone.
All Marley hears is a fairly loud breathing noise on the phone. She quickly hangs up but she still hears the breathing noise. It’s coming from her grandparents room. She opens the door and finds a sticky note that reads “It was me who answered.” Marley gets really scared so she runs back to her house. When she gets there she finds a similar sticky note that says “It was me who answered.” She calls her parents about this note and her dad tells her to go to her room and lock the door. David and Sherri leave immediately from the mountains. Marley goes to her room, locks the door, and jumps in her bed. She begins to hear a knocking at the door. She is so scared so she calls her neighbor, someone picks up the phone but doesn’t say anything, just starts breathing very loudly. She hangs up the phone and the knocking stops. Someone slips a sticky note under her door and it reads “It was me who answered, your parents aren’t coming home.” 

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