The Crazy Carnivore | Teen Ink

The Crazy Carnivore

April 7, 2016
By Anonymous

My heart’s beating hard in my chest and my feet are pounding on the pavement. I stop for a second and look around. The sound of my labored breathing fills the air.
To my right is a grocery store, the same one I see every day claiming to have ‘Fresh Fruit’. The outside looks cleaner, happier and the sight seems so strange while my mind is filled with terror.
The adrenaline pumping through my blood urges me to run to the grocery store. It would be easier to lose what was following me, whatever it was. The rational part of my mind tells me that whatever's following me would harm more innocent people that way.
To my left are more houses and the rough road. This direction would be safer if I didn’t want to harm anyone, but it’s slightly farther away from home. I think for a second longer, suck in a lungful of air, and run to my left.
I was coming home from school when I thought I felt someone following me. At first, I just walked faster towards home, but then I felt it coming closer and I took off on a run. After the first couple of blocks I realized it wasn’t human because it ran faster and quieter. When I turned left at the grocery store, I thought I was gone for good.
It had been gaining on me and I didn’t want to risk looking behind me to let it catch up. I’m now well past the city so it’s just me, the trees, and that monster following me. Well, I think it’s a monster. My mind can’t seem to come up with any other explanation for this thing.
The house comes into view and the sight is enough to help me sprint the last block. The thing behind me seems to slow down a bit, so I glance behind me. At first, all I see are four legs and a brown blur because I’m so dizzy, but as my eyes focus I see not a monster, but a deer. Its eyes are crazed and I somehow know that it wants to eat me. The look in its eyes chills me to the bone. Gah! What is this world, and when did deer turn into carnivores? 
As I turn back to face the house, I trip over a stone. I cry out in pain and hope that someone will hear me, even though the closest neighbor is half a mile away. I’m two feet from the door but I know my ankle can’t take my weight and I don’t have enough time to get up and inside. So, I put my hands on the ground and crawl my way forward.
The deer reaches the end of my driveway and slows down. As it prowls towards me it slows even more, seeming to mock me. My arms collapse beneath me and I fall against the door. I’m breathing heavily as it pounces on to me. Its hooves plant firmly on my chest and there’s no give when I try to push them back. I feel trapped and claustrophobic. I can’t move and it seems as if I’m underwater and can’t get up to take a breath. The deer’s eyes look dark and full, and it seems to look straight through me down to my soul. My eyes widen with fear as it lowers its head down to my collarbone. It... I think... is it sniffing me?
Its nose twitches and for a second it looks almost peaceful. Everything seems suspended in time, my chest rising and falling, my lashes lowering, and the deer opening its mouth. Oh, wait, what was that last thought? The moment breaks away and I remember that the deer is trying to eat me as its meal. My heart rate picks up and I try to shove the deer off again, to no avail. The deer’s mouth opens wider and its teeth are just starting to bite down on me when...
                                                                                                          ... I wake up.

The author's comments:

I actually experienced this nightmare and wanted others to understand how I felt. 

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